Sunday, March 02, 2008



Stepping off the elevator Roger turned to Charlie conspiratorially and said, “Remember what I said about following my lead. My editor can be a bit of a son-of-bitch at times.”
Without speaking Charlie unenthusiastically nodded his head in agreement while smirking sarcastically, not really caring one way or the other how Roger’s editor would or would not react to what Roger had uncovered.
Walking through the busy newspaper office Charlie became aware of being starred at. It seemed every geek in the office was turning from their computer screens and peering over their cubicles as he and Roger made their way through the busy office. The office was wall to wall cubicles, the whole scene made Charlie think of mice blindly scampering about in a maze in search of their next meal. Somewhat put-off by all the attention from Roger’s co-workers Charlie asked “Is it just me or is every asshole in this building starring at us.”
“No, it’s not just you. Every asshole in this place is starring at us, actually though, I imagine they’re starring at me – they’re just wondering who the poor bloke with me is.”
“Aren’t they used to seeing you, after all you do work here don’t you?”
“If you can call doing the obits work. And I sort of have been missing a few days of work here and there. In fact I don’t think I’ve been here for the past few days.”
Charlie sighed, “Why didn’t they just fire your sorry ass and put you out of your misery.”
“In all probability that’s why they’re starring at us now. You know – like dead man walking.”
Charlie offered, “I know what I’d do if I were you.”
Stopping to look at Charlie, Roger asked, “Yeah and what’s that?”
Coming to a stop to face Roger Charlie responded, “I’d take your story across the street to The Star.
With a serious tone Roger replied, “No. Not yet anyway. I owe this place that much at least. Anyway I have a history here, and to tell you the truth, they’ve treated me pretty well considering everything.”
“Charlie added, “Considering you’ve been drunk for two years you mean.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
Charlie panned the room again and Roger watched as his friend’s eyes filled with annoyance. Finally fed-up Charlie turned toward all the peering faces and said loudly, “Don’t all you Pollyana’s have some propaganda to feed to your naive readers!” No one moved. Charlie turned back to Roger and said, “Maybe these numb-nuts will understand this, “Don’t all you nosy assholes have something better to do than stare at us!” That worked just fine as the whole room turned back to their computer screens and hunkered down behind the safety of their cubicles. Charlie turned back to Roger before saying, “I’m starting to understand your fondness for the bottle. How long did you say you’ve worked here?”
Smiling slightly Roger said, “Too long.”
Looking ahead through a glass enclosure Charlie asked, “Is that your editor?”
Roger said, “Yeah, that’s him.”
Charlie added, “He doesn’t look any too pleased to see you.”
“Remember Charlie let me handle this.”
Smiling broadly Charlie said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
As they entered the room Roger’s editor stood with a look of disapproval and said sarcastically, “Well look who decided to honor us with their presence today. He paused before continuing, “What’s wrong - did even your old friend ‘Jack Daniels’ finally get his full of you?”
Roger forced a smile and pointed to a couple chairs before saying, “May we?”
“Eddie a short, heavy-set man frowned heavily as he waved his open palm toward the empty chairs. Once Roger and Charlie were seated Eddie said sourly, “Are you this drunk’s lawyer?”
Charlie said, “No, I’m just a friend.”
Eddie looked at Roger before saying, “I’ve tried to help you Roger, I really have, but I think you and I both know it’s time to call it quits.”
Roger said confidently, “I think after I show you what I’ve uncovered, you may change your mind about calling it…quits.”
“Listen very carefully to me Roger. You were once one of the most talented investigative reporters I’ve ever worked with, but you’ll no more than a shell of that man now. Hell Roger, we never know when…or for that matter if you’re even going to show-up for work anymore.”
Instead of defending himself, Roger confidently stood, walked over to his editor’s desk, opened a large manila-envelope he was holding, and calmly dumped its contents onto the desk; he immediately began shuffling the disorganized papers into three separate piles.
Seemingly drained of all energy Eddie looked at the mess on his table and said, “What’s this crap?”
“It’s a story I’m working on.”
Eddie muttered, “Shit,” under his breath, but paused before saying anything that could be heard and glanced toward Charlie, wondering what his role was to be in this fiasco, but Charlie only looked on noncommittal. Eddie brought his attention back to Roger before saying, “No more games Roger. No more late night calls full of grandiose ideas. It’s over, it really is. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it has to be.”
Roger continued to organize the papers into three separate piles, acting as if he had not heard a word that his editor had said. He finally placed a photograph of a dead girl atop each of the three piles. The photographs were gruesome in every detail. Even though the three young girls were battered and bruised, it was still evident that the three had once been beautiful young girls. Roger looked into the eyes of his editor, pointed at the three photographs and said, “These are my story…these three innocent girls.”
With his attention on the photographs Eddie said, “I don’t see a story. I only see photographs of three dead young girls.”
Pointing toward the photos Roger said, “Do you see anything similar about these photos?”
“Yeah, they’re photos of three very dead young girls.”
“Come on Eddie, you’ve been in this business long enough to pick-up on these things. If anyone else besides me had brought them to your attention, you would’ve seen a story in 10 seconds or in the very least a possible story - and you know it.”
Eddie said, “Roger you’ve been drunk for two years. I know…you know…and your friend here knows…that a good story takes time and hard work - neither of which you’ve been willing nor for that matter able to do… since you developed a taste for the bottle. Now, I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re playing, but let me assure you it’s not going to fly with me.
Roger looked over at Charlie and said, “Come on Charlie maybe you were right, but I really wanted to give Eddie first crack at my story.
Looking back toward Eddie Roger said, “Eddie I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I take my story across the street to your old friend Turk at the Star would you?” Roger waved his hand toward the articles and photos before saying, “After all you don’t seem all that interested in what I have to say.” Roger let Eddie think about what he said for a few seconds before he continued. “But let me assure you the old man upstairs is not going to be too happy with you, especially when he finds out you passed on the biggest story of the year.”
Mum picked-up the phone on the first ring, “District Attorney’s Office, how may I direct your call.”
“Hi Mum, this is Matt. Is Cade available?”
Mum somewhat disappointed that the call was not from the young girl said, “Yes, just a second and I’ll transfer you.”
Cade had heard the phone ring at Mum’s desk and he felt a ting of anticipation as the transferred call rang at his desk. Maybe she had decided to call after all. Glancing at his wristwatch, he noted it was 4 p.m. Late for sure, but nevertheless she had made the call. He let it ring a couple more times, all the while thinking about what to say. Finally, he picked up the receiver and in a professional tone said, “Cade Collins speaking.”
“Hey counselor thought I give you a call before I left for the day. Just to let you know the status of that search you requested.”
Cade sighed heavily into the ear-piece, “Oh, it’s you Matt.”
Matt heard the dejection in Cade’s voice, “Damn counselor, I know it has been kind of rough over there, but it hasn’t been exactly a picnic here either.”
Quickly recovering Cade said, “No, no, no, it’s not that at all. I’m sorry Matt. I appreciate you calling before you head out. What did you find?”
“Actually it’ll probably be tomorrow afternoon before I get that report back. I hope that’s not a problem?”
Still feeling somewhat deflated Cade said, “No, that’ll be fine…
Matt interrupted, “Just a second Cade. The Captain is yelling for me.”
In the background Cade heard the muffled sounds of someone from a distance yelling and the voice of Matt replying, “I’ll get right on it.” Picking up the receiver Matt said, “I have to go counselor, seems we have a hot one.”
Cade quickly responded, “A hot one.”
“Yeah, evidently we have a hysterical mother on the phone to 911. It seems that someone warned her daughter that a man was stalking her. They’re both crying and screaming to the 911 operator. Anyway after what happened with the Sarah Evans case the captain wants an investigator on anything that resembles a stalker case. As they say the heat is on and no one wants to be the one that drops the ball this time, especially after what just happened. See you. I have to run.”
“Wait; what’s the address, I’ll meet you there. To tell you the truth I need to get out of here. Get things off my mind for awhile. Anyway since I’m still assigned to the Evans case, I can always say I was following-up a lead.”
“Hey, fine with me counselor. Who knows, maybe we can solve this thing together.”

Kat turned from the ball when she heard someone or something crashing through the underbrush that lay just to the right of the huge evergreens. Was Simon Perry making his escape, no she thought he would have selected a much quieter and safer path in which to flee? Then she heard muttered oaths and curses from a familiar voice. Finally Darryl erupted from the thicket and once on the path began rigorously brushing himself off with both hands, acting as if leeches were clinging to his skin.
Darryl finally looked up from his self-absorbed brushing and saw Kat calmly watching him. With annoyance he said, “What? So I’m sensitive to the outdoors.” He pointed with his right hand in the direction of the thicket before saying, “There are critters out there that just lay-in-wait for unsuspecting poor city folk like me. Hell, I got ticks, chiggers, and I don’t know what else in places I never even knew I had. Now, if you don’t mind would you please turn around, I have places that have to be scratched, if you know what I mean.”
Smiling Kat turned back toward the huge evergreens and their dark shadows. Suddenly a cold chill raced along her spine, as her radiant smile gave way to a look of shock that etched itself across her pale face. Then the smile ever so slowly returned, not quiet as radiant and beaming as before, but she found herself smiling nevertheless. The ball was gone and not seeing the ball where it had been only seconds before had shaken her, if only momentarily, but now she knew without a doubt that he indeed had been there. Had been in the shadows and in all likelihood had been within seconds of claiming another innocent victim. And most importantly he had witnessed her foiling his plans and that fact made her smile grow even more. She was glad it was out in the open, glad he knew that she knew what he was - what he was all about. Without a doubt Kat also and most importantly knew that Simon Perry would devote his energies, his evilness, to come after her and not some innocent young girl. And that made all the difference to her, she felt good about that, felt as if she was making a difference.
With her back still facing Darryl and starring into the dark shadows she whispered, “Now Mr. Perry, it’s just you and me.”
Darryl finally said, “Let’s get the hell out of here!”
Turning to face Darryl Kat said, “Yes, I think you’re right. It is time we leave.”
Starring at Kat Darryl said, “What are you smiling about. You look like the cat that ate the canary.”
Still smiling broadly Kat replied, “Do I?”
“By the way did you find the boogeyman?”
“Not exactly, but I think he knows that we know.”
“That’s good right? That’s what you wanted.”
“Yes it is what I wanted, but in doing so Darryl, I’m afraid I may have placed your life in danger also.”
Darryl said sarcastically, “You think.”
“Yes I think. Now, come on and I’ll tell you all about it on the way out of this place. As you said, it’s time we leave. After all we don’t want anyone to find out about us, do we?”
Kat asked, “Where’s your car?”
Darryl pointed toward the thicket that looked as if it would be impossible to negotiate. Watching Darryl continue to scratch Kat said, “I think we’ll circle around through the trees.”
Digging at various body parts Darryl agreed, “Yeah, anything is better than that briar patch.”
As they walked underneath the tall clump of evergreens Kat explained everything that had transpired in his absence. She was not sure he heard everything she had to say since he was so consumed in his ritualistic scratching. His visible body parts were becoming a bright red with welts that seemed to be growing by the second. Kat was not sure if the welts were from the critters as Darryl called them or his incessant scratching. Finally Kat asked, “Darryl have you heard a word of what I said?”
Still digging he said, “Yeah, I got it. He’s knows that we know that he knows that we know. And that you…and I ruined his little private party. Is that about it?”
Kat blinked several times before saying, “Yeah, that’s about it. I guess.”
Clearing the tree line Darryl gasped when he saw his cab, “My baby! Look what someone did to my baby!” The passenger-side door had a huge dent knocked into it and the window had been completely broken-out. As she and Darryl approached the damaged cab they gingerly stepped through the shards of broken glass which littered the ground near the cab. Kat looked inside the cab and among the shiny pieces of broken glass laid the missing volleyball. She was not really surprised to find the ball inside of the cab, because she had known immediately who had vandalized Darryl’s cab. He was simply leaving his calling card -letting her know that there would be more to come.
Kat hurriedly said, “Darryl we need to leave now.”
In a low voice Darryl mumbled, “My baby.”
Kat gently led Darryl to the drive-side of the cab, opened the door, brushed the broken glass from the seat, and seated Darryl behind the wheel. Once Kat was seated next to Darryl she calmly said, “Darryl we need to get out of here.”
Darryl slowly turned toward Kat and asked, “It was him wasn’t it?”
“Yes, I’m afraid it was.”
Darryl put the cab into gear and began driving carefully down the small rutted path that teenagers had worn into the well-used field that served as both a gathering place and a secluded lover’s lane.
Looking about the cab Darryl said, “Shit! He’s taken our tracking device!”
Seemingly drained of all energy Kat said, “It has been a very long day Darryl. I think the both of us have had enough for one day.”
Still looking at the interior of his cab Darryl added, “Yeah, I think you’re right, but it ain’t over. And you can take that to the bank.”
Driving from the field Simon Perry was on one hand extremely upset over the fact that the young woman had somehow discovered things that no one should know of, but on the other hand he looked forward to matching wits with the young woman. Although he did not think her nearly his equal, he had to admit though that she had indeed surprised him with her gumption. She had been able to attach a tracking device to his car and use it to thwart his plans with Katey. He shook his head in disgust upon remembering seeing the yellow vehicle near his parent’s home. He was incensed with himself for allowing the young woman and the little silly man to interrupt his special plans.
But the key question to be answered is what does she knows and for that matter how did she come to know. He wondered if she was working with the District Attorney’s Office or if perhaps she was flying solo. He had seen her talking with that young attorney in court. But in the end he knew it really wouldn’t matter one way or the other, because soon, very soon he was going to disappear – at least as far the world would know.
His thick rubbery lips began spreading wide with a smile in anticipation of the game to be played, and he would play the game. He always played the game to win, and there was no doubt whatsoever whom the victor in this game would be.
Simon Perry looked at the small receiver that he had taken from the little guy’s cab and threw it to the floor. He picked up a more sophisticated receiver turned the power on and watched a small icon that represented the little guy’s cab. It was headed in the opposite direction from which he was currently headed, but it did not matter because he was using a high-end GPS. He said, “You can run, but you can’t hide.”
A few minutes later while watching the icon travel from one street to another he added with in a foreboding tone, “Let the games begin…anyone for a little cat and mouse.”

When Cade arrived there were two police cruisers parked out on the street. In the driveway Cade recognized Matt’s unmarked white Ford Crown Victorian. As Cade approached the small quaint front-porch, a patrolman standing by the front door motioned for him to go on in as he said with a forced smile or possibly even a smirk, “Bringing out the big guns, I see.”
Cade forced a smile of his own, gave the patrolman a slight nod before walking through the doorway into the house. The entryway was hardwood polished to a bright shine with small stairs leading upstairs. Cade heard the murmur of voices and immediately began walking in that direction. In a wide doorway he saw a second patrolman look in his direction before tilting his head in the direction of the open doorway. Cade walked up to the patrolman and peered inside the room.
Matt immediately stood-up and introduced Cade as an attorney from the District Attorney’s Office and that he would be taking part, if that was okay.
A woman of about 40 raised her head and nodded that it would. She quickly lowered her head and focused her attention onto Matt, but not before Cade had seen the dried tears on her cheek.
Without speaking Matt motioned for Cade to have a seat on the sofa beside of him.
Once seated Cade’s attention drifted to the frightened young girl sitting next to her mother. She was blonde, very pretty, and physically fit. Just like Sarah Evans had been he thought. On the mantle over the fireplace were photographs of the young girl that showed her from infant to the present or at least the near present. Many of the more recent photographs were of the young girl playing sports. Once again Cade remembered how Sarah Evans too had been heavily into sports.
Katey’s mother quickly glanced at Cade and just as quickly brought her attention back to Matt, “I just didn’t think that sort of thing would happen here. What would have or could have happened if that young woman had not shown up when she did. I don’t understand any of this and neither does Katey. It just doesn’t make any sense - none of it. I mean how in the world anyone would know that a monster was stalking my little girl; it just doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand.”
Cade frowned not being able to follow the nearly hysterical woman’s version of events.
Finally Matt said, “Katey why don’t you tell us exactly what happened.”
Katey clearly frightened but with a clear voice began, “To be honest I’m still not sure. For all I know the woman could have been a nut herself. But at the time and I don’t know why – I didn’t think so.”
Matt asked, “Didn’t think what?”
“That the woman was crazy or something. I mean after she calmed down and everything she seemed so relieved to have found me.”
Again Matt asked, “What do you mean after she calmed down?”
“Okay let me start over. I was walking home after volleyball practice through the field alongside the cornfield like I do everyday.”
“Alone,” Matt asked.”
“Yes, alone. I was maybe a hundred yards from home, you know Mom near the stand of evergreens.”
Katey’s mom nodded that she knew the location.
“I had been walking along kicking my ball every few steps when I heard someone behind me screaming for me to stop or not move or something like that. Now that I think about it I became so upset that I forgot about my ball – it’s still out there.”
Matt quietly asked, “Someone was screaming?”
“Yes. Now that I think about it she screamed hello a couple times and then I think she screamed, “Don’t move! Please don’t move!” Katey paused for a second, not knowing to continue or if she should wait for the detective to ask another question.
Matt softly nudged Katey on, “You said that the person screaming was female.”
“Yes. That’s right.”
“Could you give us a description of this female? I mean for instance was she young or old? Was she tall or short? You know anything that may be useful in helping us find this person, after all if she warned you about a stalker, then I would presume she must know something about the person that is possibly stalking you. The only other conclusion of this whole sordid affair is that it was a hoax on her part.”
Katey thought about what Matt had said before she continued, “I don’t think it was a hoax. I mean the woman seemed so sincere and scared herself.”
Matt asked, “Scared?”
“It may not have been so much being scared on her part as it was concern for my safety. She seemed so concerned for my well-being.”
Matt said, “Okay. Let’s go back to where the female was screaming and if you could describe her that may prove invaluable to our investigation.”
“Well, when I heard her screaming I immediately turned and looked in her direction and stepped back onto the path.” She was probably a hundred yards away at that point and I really didn’t know what to think – I mean she seemed almost hysterical, you know with the screaming and everything. I actually wanted to run from her.”
“But you didn’t run did you?”
“No, but for a few seconds I wanted to. I mean I felt that I should. I felt the urge to run especially when she began running toward me, but there was something in her voice that told me she meant me no harm – so I waited.”
“What happened next?”
“The young woman was totally out of breath and sweating profusely when she got to where I was – She was bent at the waist gasping for breath. It took her several seconds before she was even able to speak.
“So the woman was young?”
“Yes, about twenty, twenty-five or so I would think. And she was very pretty, even beneath the sunglasses I could see that. My first impression of her even through her fatigue and sweating was that she looked like a model, very tall, thin, and glamorous even in jeans.
Cade felt heat rush to his face and wondered if his discomfort was noticeable.
Out of the corner of his eye Cade saw Matt starring intently at him as he said, “She was young, tall, thin, and looked like a model,” Matt continued to look at Cade, now suspiciously as he continued, “Did you notice the color of her hair?”
“Yes, it was red. No, on second thought it was more auburn than red. She wore her hair very short, but yes it was definitely auburn in color.”
Matt looked at Katey for a moment and then slowly back to Cade before continuing, “Did her hair look to be a natural color or did it seem as if it had been artificially colored.”
Cade felt his face begin to grow hot with discomfort. He knew that Matt was starring at him, but he kept his attention focused onto the young girl, trying his best not to make eye contact with his suddenly curious friend. Why had he called Matt in the first place? Damn it he thought, but there was no way he could have foreseen or anticipated something like this happening.
The young girl said, “Her hair was cut in a short bob and it was a beautiful auburn color, but as far as knowing if it was her natural color or not – that I’m not sure of. I don’t know if this will help or not, but her eyes were a dark green.”
At the mention of green eyes Cade immediately felt perspiration begin forming along the hairline of his forehead and small beads of sweat begin to trickle down the base of his spine.
Matt added, “You said earlier that she was wearing sunglasses.”
“She was, but a couple times her glasses slipped down her nose. And I remember thinking how green her eyes were. I probably would not have noticed that detail, except for the fact that green eyes are not all that common.”
From the doorway Officer Higgins said, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but before I was called to this address, I was investigating several complaints of a woman that fits the description given by this young lady. I would suspect that in both cases we could possibly be talking about the same person, especially considering the fact that the young woman had supposedly ran into the same field that Katey had also taken to walk home. The person I’m talking about nearly caused an accident in front of the school across from this same field. It seems she walked into the street without looking for oncoming traffic and nearly got herself ran over and in addition almost caused a major accident involving several cars. The drivers I interviewed all stated the same thing – the young woman was so out of it that she seemed oblivious to everything that was happening around her. One man even went so far as to say that the young woman seemed obsessed or consumed by something or someone out in the field. He further stated that after she crossed the street she stopped and simply starred into the field for several seconds, before it seems she disappeared into the tall corn. At the time I didn’t think much about what he had said, but now it kind of makes sense,” Officer Higgins waved his hand in Katey’s direction as he continued, “You know after what this young lady here just said. The two incidents do seem to support each other.”
Matt added, “Officer Higgins I think you’re right. The two incidents do indeed support the theory that the young woman that nearly got herself killed in front of the school is in all likelihood the same person that Katey met in the field.
Once inside her drab apartment Kat dropped into the small sofa leaned back letting her whole body sink into the almost softness of the old worn couch, and letting out a deep sigh, as if the long day had finally ended and she could finally relax.
Darryl had followed her in and headed for the fridge. From the small kitchenette he yelled, “How about a cold beer?”
“That sounds great Darryl, thank you,” she knew the old fridge didn’t keep things very cold, but just the idea of even a cool beer after a day like she just experienced sounded sublime.
Darryl walked into the room handed Kat a beer and said, “Cheers.”
They gingerly touched cans as Kat said, “Cheers and thanks Darryl. I mean it.”
Darryl winked as he said, “Hey, no problem after all that’s what friends are for.”
Kat was too tired to tell if Darryl was being sarcastic or not. At this point she didn’t care one way or the other. All she knew was that he had been a true friend today and that that was all that matter.
Kat watched as a smile grew on Darryl face. After smiling for several seconds he finally added, “It’s been one helluva day that’s for sure.”
Smiling Kat added, “That Darryl may just be the understatement of the year.”
Smiling and nodding his head in agreement he added, “Yeah, but I know one thing for sure.”
“And what would that be,” Kat asked?
“Around you there’s never a dull moment.”
Suddenly Kat frowned as if there was something bothering her.
Noticing Kat’s troubled look Darryl asked, “What’s wrong?”
Kat replied, “Nothing, nothing that I can put my finger on, but I feel as if I’ve forgotten to do something.”
Darryl said, “I don’t know what it could be, after all it seems as if we’ve done it all today.”
“Shit! Pardon my French Darryl.”
“I guess you remembered huh?”
“Yes and it’s the last thing I want to do, but I don’t see any way out of it.”
“It can’t be all that bad.”
“Yes it can. Trust me Darryl it’s all that bad and more.”
“Can’t you just cancel? You know just say you’re too bushed from the day you’ve had. You know you wouldn’t be lying about that.”
Then she remembered the choices he had given her – dinner Tuesday night or he would assign an investigator to find out what she was up to. It was Tuesday and as much as she hated the thought of being blackmailed into having dinner, the alternative was even worse. Okay she thought the agreement had been for one dinner and then he would never bother her again. What harm could come of one dinner anyway, and if it meant getting the young annoying attorney off her back, then it would be worth it. Finally glancing toward Darryl, Kat sighed softly and said, “It seems I’ve forgotten I have a dinner engagement tonight.”
Darryl asked suspiciously, “Really?”
“Yes really. And Darryl please don’t ask me to explain. Trust me it’s a long story and a boring one at that.”
“I understand completely.”
“You do?”
Darryl added mockingly, “Yeah absolutely, because evidently, I’m on a need to know basis only.”
“No Darryl it’s not like that at all.”
Kat looked at the clock on the wall – it read 4:45. Jeez, I hope he hasn’t left for the day.”
“You can always say you just forgot. That’s almost the truth anyway.”
“Darryl do you remember the part about it being bad and more?”
Sighing mockingly, “Yes, I think I remember you saying that all of 15 seconds ago. It’s not like I’m a total bonehead or something you know.”
“Right, well anyway my having dinner with him is the bad part, and if I don’t have dinner with him - that’s the more part.”
Shaking his head in confusion Darryl added, “I guess its dinner then huh?”
Raising her brow in a serious frown Kat answered, “Yes, I think you’re right.”
Still shaking his head Darryl added, “I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel it imperative that I do so again.
“Okay Darryl if you feel it imperative – let’s have it.”
“As I said before you should really start seeing someone, and I’m not talking about for dinner. I’m talking about you seeing someone while you’re lying on your back – on a couch. You know - talking about why you’re doing things no girl…no for that matter why you’re doing things only Drew Barrymore’s character from Charlie’s Angels should be doing. On second thought though I kind of like Cameron Diaz’s character better…
Interrupting Darryl, with a friendly smile Kat said, “Thanks Darryl.”
Hey, you may think I’m kidding, but I’m not - trust me on this one Kat, the sooner you see someone the better.”
On the second ring Mum answered, “District Attorney’s Office.”
Kat hesitantly replied, “Yes, I’m calling for Cade Collins.”
The caller’s voice was that of a young woman - of that Mum was certain. Mum opened her eyes wide with excitement, but kept her voice under control as she said, “I’m sorry, but Mr. Collins is not in at the moment. May I take a message?”
Kat paused for a moment unsure of what she should say next.
Sensing the young woman’s indecision and knowing that this may very well be the call that her young attorney had been waiting for all day, Mum quickly interjected, “He did mention that he was to meet a client for dinner. Would that by chance be you?”
“Yes…I guess that would be me.”
“Good. I mean, he’s been expecting your call.” Wanting to help her young attorney’s case Mum added, “I think he’s really looking forward to having dinner with you tonight.”
Kat’s response was stated more as a question than a statement, “Uh, well, I guess I’ll have to call back tomorrow then.”
Mum quickly spoke before the young woman had a chance to hang-up, “No need to call back tomorrow. Before he left Mr. Collins gave me specific instructions that if you called that I was to give you his personal cell phone number.”
“Actually I don’t feel comfortable with you giving me his personal number, after all this is a business dinner.”
“Yes, that’s what I hear.”
Not completely following the conversation Kat said, “Pardon me?”
Realizing that she was possibly letting on a little too much, Mum said, “Oh, don’t pay attention to an old lady like myself, sometimes I have a way of blabbering so. But please let me give Mr. Collins number to you and if would you be kind of enough to call him, I would really appreciate it? See I’m afraid if you don’t call him that he may blame me for screwing things up. You do understand my predicament don’t you…I’m sorry dear I didn’t catch your name?”
Kat knew that she was tired, but for the sake of her she could not follow this lady’s part of the conversation. “Uh, actually, I didn’t give you my name. But if you think my not calling Mr. Collins will get you into some sort of trouble, then I will certainly call him as soon as we are finished talking.”
Mum thought well aren’t you a little secretive thing, I only wanted to know your name darling. Mum said, “I’d really appreciate that.”

* * *
Cade jumped from the sofa to his feet when his cell phone rang loudly. Hoping not to disturb Matt and his questioning of the young girl Cade immediately took two steps toward a set of French doors that led to a small patio. Cade flipped open his phone and said, “Yes,” in a muffled tone.
There was a long pause before Kat finally responded, “Is this Cade Collins?”
Cade quickly glanced over his right shoulder only to find Matt starring at him inquisitively. Cade quickly turned back to face the French doors before quietly saying, “Uh, yes it is.”
Hearing hesitancy in his voice Kat said, “Is this is a bad time?”
Cade replied quickly and a little too loudly, “No! Before catching himself and continuing, “I mean, no it’s fine.” Cade glanced back over his shoulder to find that not only was Matt still staring at him, but that mother, daughter, and the patrolman were also looking at him, no doubt wondering about his little outburst into the phone.
Slowly everyone turned back toward Matt, except for Matt who continued to watch his friend grow ever more uncomfortable. Matt thought it odd how his normally self-confident and self-assured friend had become so nervous and fidgety when the discussion had turned to the young woman in the field.
In an attempt to flee the room and his overly suspicious friend, Cade reached for the handle to the French Doors that led to the small patio. He pushed down on the golden lever and pulled the door toward him; the door rattled loudly, but did not open. Glancing once again over his shoulder he found all eyes were upon him and his futile attempt to escape. Somewhat embarrassed Cade made a feeble attempt to smile for his onlookers before quickly turning back to face the still closed door. Once again he pushed the lever down, this time though he pushed the door in the opposite direction while simultaneously taking a step to further along his hasty retreat, but to his surprise the door once again rattled loudly – not opening for a second time. When his nose hit the door, Cade did not think he could be more humiliated – he only prayed that his nose would not bleed from the sudden impact. In his embarrassment and rush to depart Cade had not thought of the possibility that the door could be locked. In his befuddled state he absent-mindedly shook the doors with his free hand, in another final fruitless attempt to depart an ever-worsening state of affairs.
Still holding the phone to his ear he heard the young woman say, “Hello? Are you okay?”
With an ever reddening face he replied in a whisper, “Yeah, just a second. Don’t go anywhere I’ll be right with you – okay?” Cade wondered if what he had just said sounded as pathetic to her as it had him.
Suddenly a slender tanned arm reached around him, unlocked, and opened the door in which he had been in such a fierce battle with.
Katey smiled and said, “There you go.”
Cade could only mumble, “Thank you,” as pointed to the phone he was holding to his ear, as if that could somehow explain his stupidity.
From his cell phone he heard, “You’re welcome – I guess?”
Finally walking through the doorway and out of earshot he said, “No, I mean yes you’re welcome.”
“Kat asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Cade answered, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
After a few silent moments Cade asked, “Are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m still here.”
“Good, I mean I’m glad you called.”
“Under the circumstances I didn’t feel I had a choice.”
“Oh, yes, sorry about that.”
“If you’re sorry about it, why did you do it?”
“You want me to be honest?”
Exasperated Kat answered, “No, I want you to tell me a lie! Of course I want you to be honest!”
“I couldn’t think of any other way…I mean I didn’t think you would agree to go out with me unless…”
Kat completed his answer, “Unless you threatened me.”
“Cade said, “I know how it must sound to you, but it’s the truth.”
Kat asked, “How successful has this technique or should I say scheme of yours worked in the past?”
Puzzled Cade replied, “I’m not sure I’m following you?”
“Getting dates counselor. Has it ever worked before now?”
Without thinking Cade responded, “This is the first…I mean; no I’ve never done this…”
Not interested in his bumbling answer Kat interrupted Cade in mid-sentence, “Can we just get to the particulars. I have more things on my agenda tonight – other than this so called date of ours.”
Cade calmly said, “Sure, how about 8:00 and you pick the place.”
“What about 7:00. I plan on this being an early evening. And if you remember counselor we specifically agreed that dinner would be at your place.”
“Yes. Now that you mentioned it, I think I do remember that, but I was just thinking…”
On the other end Kat shook her head in annoyance and once again cut him off mid-sentence, “Counselor at your place.”
Cade removed the small phone from his ear and looked at it with mild surprise, smiling he once again nestled the phone against his ear before saying, “Okay then, my place it is.”
On the other end of the line Kat shook her in dismay as she waited patiently for the young attorney.
After several long uncomfortable seconds Cade finally said, “Well I guess this is where I say I’ll see you at seven.”
Once again silence. Kat rolled her eyes before finally saying, “Counselor.”
“Your address might prove helpful.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. After all I guess that is the purpose of your call isn’t it?”
After another long pause Cade quickly said, “I live at 1400 Charles Street apartment 312. You can’t miss it, it’s the…”once again he was interrupted in mid sentence. This time though instead of hearing the young woman’s aggravated voice on the other end - he was greeted with the clicking of a call being ended. He quickly glanced at the display on his phone – it read time of call 4 minutes. He flipped his phone shut and decided that there must have been a bad connection, but anyway he thought, he was pretty sure that she had gotten his address before their connection had been lost.
Kat flipped her phone shut and sighed deeply with frustration and fatigue.
Lying on the couch hidden from Kat’s view Darryl asked, “You’re having dinner with the person that was on the other end of that phone call?”
Kat said, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you to hear that. And yes I’m having dinner with the person that was on the other end of that phone call. And in the future you might make your presence known, that is unless you actually enjoy eavesdropping.”
Darryl added sarcastically, “And a lucky man he is.”
“Darryl you have no idea.”
Darryl said, “I admit I’m no Casanova or for that matter slick with words, but if I was that fellow you’re about to have dinner with, well, I think I would check you for weapons at the door.”
“Was I that bad?”
“Worse. I only have one question.”
“And what would that be Darryl?”
“And why are the two of you having dinner? I mean I didn’t hear his part of the conversation, but your part of the conversation was frosty at best and downright mean at worst.”
“We are having dinner because he is a horrible man.”
“Do you normally have dinner with horrible men?”
“No, not usually, but I promise Darryl there is really no other viable option in this case.”
“At times like this – you know when a decision has to be made, my Momma used to always say, ‘Darryl, you are always going to be faced with making tough decisions in life. The hard part my dear son is making the right ones.’”
At 5:45 after a relaxing shower Kat sat down in front of her tiny vanity mirror and began applying a light coat of make-up, after all she told herself, no reason not to look her best. Smiling pleasantly she saw the evening unfolding before her. She would walk into his apartment looking like a million bucks and acting as if she had not a care in the world, well the million bucks might be a stretch, but she meant to look…attractive as possible anyway. After this evening he would wish he had never done what he had done. After this so-called date, she would make sure that there would be no sequel. This will be one date and one girl that he will not forget for awhile – a long while at that.
At 6:15 she walked downstairs and knocked on Darryl’s door. Maybe Darryl wouldn’t make a big deal of how she had dressed.
Darryl opened the door and immediately opened his eyes wide in surprise. Then he slowly surveyed Kat from head to toe and back again. Kat’s auburn hair had a deep luxurious shine and her short bob-cut revealed a long slender delicate neck. A small gold chain lay at the base of her neck and a small brooch lay deftly between her modest cleavage. She was wearing a tight fitting brown cardigan sweater in which the buttons seemed stressed in their effort to contain her feminine form. Her denim jeans appeared to be a second layer of skin that further revealed a very shapely sexy looking young woman. A pair of black two-inch pumps made her a little over 6 foot tall and further added to her eye-catching shapely figure.
Finally Darryl’s eyes rested upon Kat’s face. He realized that she was very pretty, maybe even more than that. She had high cheekbones, full lips, and a nose that was neither too big nor too little. Although her facial complexion was somewhat pale there was still enough skin-tone to compliment her rich luxurious auburn hair. At last he looked into her dark green emerald eyes and noticed for the first time the two small gold drop earrings with jade insets that made her eyes even more pronounced. At that point he froze finding himself unable to speak.
Kat said, “Darryl, I’m feeling a little uncomfortable here.”
“Sorry, but I’ve never seen you…uh…you know dressed-up.”
“I’m wearing jeans Darryl, it’s not like I’m wearing an evening gown or something.”
“I know. It’s just that…well if I didn’t know you. I mean if I saw you somewhere and didn’t know you…I’d probably think you were hot or something.”
Smiling slightly Kat said, “But since you know me…”
Darryl said, “Well, you know,” he paused raised his hands and waved his index and middle finger to indicate he was about to make a quote, “your issues sort of ruins the effect, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh, yes my issues.”
“I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings or anything. I mean you’re pretty and everything, it’s just that your issues sort of…spoil the picture - for me anyway.”
“No. Of course not, I appreciate your honesty. After all I’m not trying to impress anyone.”
Darryl added, “You could have fooled me…I mean your horrible date may think other wise.”
“Darryl it’s not like that at all, it’s just that I have a point to prove and in proving my point I plan to knock a certain arrogant conceited Assistant District Attorney down a notch or two before this evening is over – that’s all this is about - really.”
“Hey, you don’t have to convince me. If you say that’s what you’re doing then I guess that’s what you’re doing.”
By his tone Kat could tell Darryl was saying one thing, but meaning another. But she had neither the time nor the fortitude to convince him otherwise, so she just let it go and asked, “Would you mind driving me to where he lives?”

The doorbell rang. Cade checked his watch and with alarm in his voice said, “It’s only 6:30 and I’m no where near ready.” Thinking back to their phone conversation and her disagreeable attitude he added, “This is probably her way of letting me know just who is going to be in charge tonight. In all likelihood she is going to make this one uncomfortable evening and she no doubt was going to start her unpleasantness from the get-go. Well, evidently she doesn’t realize whom she is up against. After all I’ve got things this far haven’t I. He glanced around his small kitchen and realized that his dinner was significantly behind schedule. He had not realized the time involved in preparing a meal - even a simple meal consisting of a green salad, bread, and spaghetti was becoming overwhelming.
His doorbell rang twice in succession. “Okay, okay I’m coming,” he said, but not loud enough for the young woman on the other side of the door to hear. After all he thought I don’t want the evening to get off on the wrong foot. “At least I had the good sense of dressing before I started preparing dinner.”
Cade straightened his shoulder, plastered a smile across his face and said, “Well here we go,” and swung the door open. Cade was relieved on one hand that it was not Kat arriving early, but annoyed on the other because on the other side of the door stood his older brother Derrick. Derrick said with a friendly smile, “How you doing little brother,” as he walked through the door and embraced Cade warmly. Over his brother’s shoulder stood Alice his nice and pretty wife of the past twelve years, and holding her mother’s hand looking as cute as ever was his 10 year-old niece Michele. Whereas his brother was all smiles Alice and Michele were somewhat hesitant or possibly uncomfortable. Alice was a small-frame blond with delicate features that stood maybe 5 foot four in heels and her daughter Michele was almost an exact copy of her mother – just in an even smaller package.
Cade said, “Good to see you brother, but let me get a hug from these two beautiful young women with you. Cade embraced Alice and kissed her on the cheek before reaching down and picking up his niece and holding her out in from him before saying, “My, my, my, you get prettier every time I see you.” He brought Michele to his chest and gave her a big hug filled with warm affection. He glanced at Alice and said, “And why aren’t you smiling? Has my older but stupid brother made you mad or something.”
Derrick cut in quickly, “My gorgeous, but slightly annoyed wife feels that we should have called first and not just show up at your door unannounced.”
Letting his eyes settle upon Alice Cade said, “Nonsense. My favorite sister-in-law knows that she and my favorite niece are always welcome here…no exceptions. Looking back at his brother with a warm smile Cade said, “But you older brother that’s a totally different story.”
Michele said innocently, “Mommy didn’t you say I was his only niece?”
Looking at his niece Cade said, “And my smartest niece too.”
Michele smiled aware now that her uncle was being playful with her.
Cade said, “So what is the perfect family up to these days and what do I owe the honor of your presence to?”
Still somewhat uncomfortable Alice said, “Have we caught you at a bad time?”
“Of course not, you guys could never come at a bad time. I have a friend coming over in a few minutes, but you guys are welcome to join us…actually my favorite sister-in-law in the whole wide world. I was in the middle of trying to prepare dinner, and I mean trying in the literal sense. If you don’t mind maybe you could be of some assistance to a poor bloke like myself.”
Derrick glanced at his watch, “Sorry Bro, but the movie starts in 15 minutes and you know how I hate to miss the trailers.”
Alice looked at her husband with annoyance, “I told you we should have called first.” Looking at Cade and then making sure her daughter was out of earshot, she added, “Your brother can be such an ass.”
Derrick asked, “Hot date?”
“Not really. It’s a first date actually.”
Derrick continued, “Good girl,” then he glanced into his wife’s icy stare before saying, “Or not good girl?”
Cade said hesitantly, “I guess she would qualify as a good girl.”
Then I think we came just in time, don’t you think honey?”
Alice sighed heavily and shook her head in frustration.
Derrick continued, “Don’t mind her she’s not in a good mood. See little brother of mine - we,” pointing to his wife and then back to himself before continuing, “We have a favor to ask of you.”
Alice started to say something, but Derrick placed his index finger to his lips indicating for her to be quiet. Turning his attention back to his brother he continued, “See, there’s this movie we want to see and we were hoping you could spend some time with Michele.”
Cade glanced at his uncomfortable sister-in-law before saying, “Well…
Sensing that his younger brother was about to say the wrong thing Derrick continued, “Now, brother this is the part about us coming just in time. If you want to impress a girl there’s no better way than to show her that you like kids – trust me on this. When it comes to impressing woman there is no better way – heck, a man entertaining a kid works better than letting them see you show affection to a dog - and the dog thing is really good. And as far as not having dinner completed, trust your older brother on this one too – women love to help a man in need. That’s what they do.”
Cade opened his mouth to respond, but Derrick was sensing that he needed to close the deal, “Trust me on this little brother. The three of you in the kitchen preparing dinner could be a real icebreaker. I guarantee you your female friend will be watching your every move and after she sees the way you and Michele get along…well, I think she will really be impressed with how close you and Michele are.”
Looking at her husband shaking her head in either frustration or embarrassment or both Alice said, “You can be such a moron. Go get your daughter, we’re leaving.”
Thinking back to his frosty phone conversation with Kat, Cade thought that for once, maybe his brother was right. A little intervention might just prove beneficial. At least she would probably be on her best behavior if there were a child in attendance. Having his niece here tonight running a little interference, yeah, he could see where that could help.
“No Alice, I think for once your husband might be right. You two go and enjoy the movie. I’d love to watch Michele tonight.”
“Don’t listen to this moron. I still pick-out his clothes every morning. And as far as impressing the opposite sex – trust me on this he doesn’t have a clue.”
Derrick grabbed his wife’s hand opened the door and yelled back over his shoulders, “We’ll be back in a couple hours little brother.”
Darryl placed the gearshift into drive, gently pushed down the accelerator, looked at Kat and said with a smile, “Are you ready for your big date?”
“It’s not funny Darryl, as I said it’s something I have to do.”
“Yeah, that’s what you said.”
Kat started to respond to Darryl’s insinuation, but instead she decided she would save her frustration for someone else – someone more deserving.

* * *
Two blocks away a black sports utility vehicle with dark tinted windows pulled into traffic. The driver said, “And where are we headed tonight children?” Simon Perry watched the small icon representing Darryl’s cab move along the city streets.
At exactly 7:00 the doorbell rang for the second time that evening. Michele said excitedly, “She’s here Uncle Cade, she’s here!”
Somewhat apprehensively Cade replied, “Yes, I think she is.” Cade walked to the front door, took a deep breath, and opened the door smartly.
He was taken back by Kat’s appearance. He had expected something different. Something more akin to the young woman at the courthouse, but standing in front of him was something nothing like what he had expected. I mean he had realized immediately at the courthouse, even through her poor disguise that she was nice looking and put together very well, but this creature before him tonight was something else. Cade felt his throat constrict and found breathing almost impossible. For the sake of himself he could not keep his eyes from drifting downward to take-in the whole package and what a package it was he thought. He forced his eyes back to hers and immediately saw the iciness emanating from her dark green eyes. The coldness in those green eyes jolted him back to reality. She was not here by her own choosing, which was very evident in not only her frigid eyes, but also in the determination written across her steely face. And the way she stood before him so steadfast and resolute - sort of unnerved him to say the least. Thank God he thought - at least he wasn’t going to be alone with this angry young woman. Michele, yes Michele was with him – with that comfort he gained enough courage to say, “Come in, please.”
Acting as if she had not noticed his undressing her with his eyes, she walked through the doorway and without smiling commented, “I’m here counselor, not of my own free will, but nevertheless I am here.”
Not knowing for sure at this point what to say or do next, Cade simply stepped to the side as Kat boldly, almost arrogantly, stepped into the room. But immediately Kat’s face registered surprise when her eyes fell upon a pretty little girl that had evidently been standing directly behind him - he could have warned her she thought.
Michele asked in a young girl’s innocent voice, “Are you Uncle Cade’s girlfriend?”
Somewhat taken aback by the young girl’s comment and being totally unprepared for the situation, Kat stammered hesitantly, “Uh, no, I’m not really his girlfriend.”
“My mommy says that Uncle Cade needs a good girlfriend. Someone to,” she furrowed her brow trying to complete her thought, “Oh yes…”
Interrupting Michele Cade said, “Michele this is my friend Kat,” he quickly glanced toward Kat as if to ask if it was okay to call her his friend. She smiled politely and nodded gently that it was. “And Kat this is my most favorite niece in the whole wide world Michele.”
Michele tilted her head and raised her large round blue eyes to look up at Kat, as she waited patiently for Kat to acknowledge her.
Kat bent down placing one knee on the floor. Once on Michele’s level Kat smiled warmly and said, “Hi, glad to meet you Michele.”
“Your name is Cat like a Cat?”
“No, I spell my name with a K.”
Cade sighed with relief when he saw the sudden transformation come over the beautiful young woman. Her outward appearance suddenly softened, as the stony expression of moments earlier was replaced with a warm smile. Cade further relaxed when he saw that her eyes had also undergone a transformation. Her once steely icy stare had changed to eyes that seemed full of softness and tenderness. He still wondered though what kind of look she would give him when and if she looked his way, but hey, he wasn’t complaining because it seemed his brother could possibly be right for a change.
Michele finally said, “You know what Uncle Cade said about my being his most favorite niece.”
Kat answered softly, “Yes, I do remember him saying that.”
“Well, I’m his only niece.”
“You know what I bet though.”
“I bet if he had 10 other nieces that you would still be his most favorite.”
Michele smiled, almost beaming upon hearing such a nice comment about how her uncle thought about her.
Cade who had been watching intently at the girl’s exchange said, “Kat is exactly right. You will always be my most favorite niece. Damn he liked saying the young woman’s name.
Kat wanted to give Michele an embracing hug, but thought that the young girl might find it uncomfortable, since they had just met. Instead she stood up waiting for the young attorney to advance the evening - after all she was the guest. And just like that Kat abandoned the idea of teaching the young attorney a lesson or two – at least while the beautiful little girl remained in their presence.
Michele lifted her head and looked first at Cade then to Kat before saying, “Uncle Cade, I think she’s taller than you.”
Cade responded a little too quickly and a little too loudly, “She’s wearing heels.”
Kat glanced toward Cade, smiled knowingly before turning back and once again lowering to one knee before saying in a low voice to Michele, “Yes, I’m wearing heels. Otherwise I’m sure your Uncle Cade would be taller than me.” Before rising though she winked and touched Michele on the nose tenderly with her index finger, as both girls smiled knowingly.
Even though he was somewhat embarrassed by what he had just reacted to Michele’s comment, Cade could not stop his next comment from escaping his lips, which was directed to no one in particular, “I think I’m taller than her even with her heels on.” As Kat rose from the floor he glanced quickly to try and gauge their respective heights.
Watching his attempt to measure one against the other, Kat smiled in triumph. A small triumph, but nevertheless a step in the right direction she thought.
Michele said, “Uncle Cade.”
Cade replied, “Yes.”
“Are we going to fix dinner now?”
“Yes, that’s probably a good idea, but first let’s asks our guest if she would like to help us.”
Michele asked, “Do you want to help us fix dinner?”
Smiling Kat answered, “I would love to.”
Michele suddenly said, “My daddy said that women like…”
Startled into action Cade interrupted his niece once again, “Michele’s mom and dad came by unannounced and asked if I would watch Michele. I hope you don’t mind?”
Glancing to Michele Kat answered, “Mind, of course I don’t mind. Actually I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the evening, than to spend it in the company of this beautiful young girl.”
Michele seemed to glow even brighter in response to Kat’s proclamation.
Kat glanced toward Cade and forced a thin smile thinking me 2 you 0. Okay maybe she would still be able to put this jerk in his place – just in a more benign manner. This could be fun after all she thought and she was already enjoying the company of the little girl. God Kat thought it had been so long since she had the opportunity to spend time with someone as precious a this little girl. Maybe, just maybe this would be an enjoyable evening after all and having the opportunity to knock the arrogant young attorney down a notch or two - that would simply be icing on the cake.
Michele’s small hand grasped the tips of Kat’s fingers as she immediately began pulling Kat along - leading her into the kitchen. Once in the small kitchen Michele looked up at Kat and said, “Come on you can help me fix the salad.
The warmth radiating from the little girl’s hand felt so comforting to Kat that she felt like crying. It had been so very long since she had felt the warmth of another human being. The moment flooded her with images of when she was a young girl much like Michele, holding her own mother’s hand as they…she abruptly stopped the images, not wanting them to interfere with the moment at hand. It suddenly dawned on her that this was what she missed most about her former life, before Vlad, before he had so disrupted her nearly perfect life. Kat looked into the little girl’s innocent eyes and suddenly found it almost impossible to keep her composure. She wanted to lift the little girl into her arms and hug her tightly, to feel the warmth, and love that this little girl offered so freely.
Kat wanted to feel again - wanted to feel the affection that this little girl offered so freely - wanted to feel the warmth of another human being and most of all wanted to reciprocate those same feelings. This little girl had awakened feelings within her that she thought were lost to her forever. Feelings that she had kept buried deep within her soul for fear that she would not be able to survive their resurfacing. But tonight she realized she had feared the one thing that she needed the most – the touch of someone that cared for her. This little girl had shown her the one thing that Kat had thought she would never feel again. This little girl had shown her love in its most basic form.
Cade watched the two beautiful females walk hand-in-hand into the kitchen and could not believe the change that had overcome the young woman that called herself Kat. She was very pretty there was no doubt about that, but he had dated plenty of good-looking women the past few years. But there was something different about this girl. Something that he could not easily put his finger on, something that was not tangible, something that set her apart from all the others. He knew it was silly to think this way, but every time he saw her, well that wasn’t exactly true, it was more like every time he even thought about her. And the past few days he had thought about nothing else – and every time his thoughts drifted to her, he had this feeling, this wonderful feeling deep within himself that he had never known before – ever. It was a place that had never been touched before – that is before this tall beautiful young woman that had so unexpectedly come into his life.
The small kitchen was shaped like a U, with a black and silver Jen-Air stove serving as its centerpiece. On either side of the stove a pretty green counter top ran in both directions with cherry cabinets running parallel overhead – the stainless steel sink laid just to the right of the stove. And just outside of the kitchen area and opposite from the stove was a small oak dining table with matching chairs. Kat saw the touches of a female plainly written everywhere about the quaint kitchen.
When Cade walked into the kitchen Michele and Kat were already busy at the sink washing and cleaning vegetables. As he walked behind Kat his nostrils picked-up the sweet fragrance of perfume. He found himself staring at her short-bob haircut and long slender neck when she suddenly turned and caught his eyes. He immediately turned back toward the stove and busied himself, but a few minutes later he found himself staring again, unable or unwilling to not gaze in her direction. Several minutes later he removed the boiling noodles from the stove and moved toward the sink as he announced, “Make way ladies here I come.”
Michele was standing in a chair at the sink with Kat to her left. As Cade approached the sink Kat leaned toward Michele trying her best to make room for Cade and the pot of steaming noodles. While Cade emptied the noodles into the strainer his right forearm grazed against Kat’s left side, he felt her rib cage through the thin clingy material, but in addition he had also felt the soft firm tissue of her breast. Upon contact their eyes met briefly, before Kat quickly looked away. Cade had felt something, something like an electric charge, as if upon contact energy had begun flowing from one to the other. He wondered if she too had felt the strong attraction between them. But it didn’t really matter though because he had felt enough for the both of them.
Michele was a young girl of 10, but in many ways she was mature beyond her years. She sat at the head of the table whereas Kat and Cade were seated across from one another, just as she had planned. Nibbling on bread Michele watched the two closely as they took turns sneaking quick peeks at the other. Intuitively Michele knew immediately that the two liked each other, at least she hoped so. Each time one caught the other looking in their direction they would quickly look away, usually settling their gaze upon the safety of Michele. And every time they would give Michele a sweet smile, as if they had been planning to look her way the entire time.
Not a word had been uttered since the three had sat at the dinner table, but nevertheless a lot had been spoken in the silence.
During one of her many glances at the young attorney Kat noticed for the first time that he had wide shoulders…really wide shoulders. Funny she thought she had not noticed that before now. Yesterday at the courthouse even as mad as she had been she had noticed that he was a handsome young man, but now she caught herself staring at his wide shoulders, broad chest, and muscled arms. She could not help but notice the flexing of his biceps when he raised his wineglass to his lips. With her attention focused on parts other than his face, she did not become aware when he raised his eyes to hers. Suddenly she felt heat flush into her face, because she could instinctively feel the heat of his stare upon her. She felt as if she had gotten caught with her finger in the cookie jar, but she refused to panic as she tried to determine what to do next. She had not wanted to be the first to speak, but it seems conditions demanded that she do so. Kat slowly and nonchalantly turned her head to face Michele and in doing so kept her eyes averted from the young attorney’s burning gaze, while at the same time trying her best to not give the slightest hint that she knew that he had just caught her gawking at him. Finally she forced herself to speak, “So Michele what grade are you in?”
The girls were talking but Cade was not listening as his thoughts were still occupied by what had just happened, at least he had hoped it just happened. He could swear that he caught her checking him out. Matter of fact he was pretty sure that was exactly what she had been doing. She tried to cover her bases, but her face had become flushed for one reason and one reason only – he had caught her checking him out – he was sure of it.
Still conversing with Michele Kat became a little angry - for what though she asked herself? But why was she angry; for checking-out the handsome young attorney or for getting caught checking-out the handsome young attorney. So much for keeping score she thought.

After dinner the three sat quietly in the family room; Cade sat alone in a pale-green Queen Ann Chair while Michele and Kat lounged comfortably on an oversized sofa. The evening thus far had been filled with Kat and Cade both feeling uncomfortable, especially where the other was concerned. But now there was something else that lay unseen and unspoken between the two. Each was feeling the strong ardent tug of sexual attraction, but neither of them had an inkling of what to say or for that matter what to do about it.
Once again glancing about the living area Kat saw the decoration touches of a female. The walls were done in eggshell and the carpet a neutral tan. The room was airy and light and nicely decorated as if taken straight from a catalog showroom – not one item seemed out of place. Cade’s nicely appointed apartment was certainly a far cry from her own drab dark apartment – if you could actually call where she lived an apartment.
Michele snuggled up to Kat and placed her hand in Kat’s. Kat was thankful for the distraction, as Michele’s warm hand help occupy her thoughts if only momentarily. Feeling her discomfort as well as Cade’s and not wanting to acknowledge the sexual tension that had so suddenly appeared – Kat decided that maybe it was time to make a graceful exit. But just as she was about to make her announcement Michele spoke-up.
“Uncle Cade, are we going to have ice-cream for desert?” Before her uncle could reply she turned to Kat and said with a bright twinkle in her eyes, “When I come over Uncle Cade and I always go out for ice-cream,” quickly turning back to Cade she continued, “Isn’t that right Uncle Cade?”
“Yes, but our guest may not be up for a walk.”
Michele quickly turned back to Kat with an excited face, “Please, please, would you go with us to get ice-cream. Its not far - just a little ways and the best part is we get to walk there.” Michele saw the hesitancy in Kat’s face and not wanting to give Kat the chance to decline she began pleading while looking directly into Kat’s eyes, “Please, it’ll be fun and I really want you to go.”
Looking into Michele’s pleading eyes and listening to her beseeching voice Kat simply did not want to disappoint – no would not disappoint her. After all she thought it was still early and it had been such a pleasure spending time with Michele that she caught herself saying, “Okay, but when we get back I have to leave – okay.”
“Okay,” Michele happily agreed.
Cade silently thought, “And I’m going to have to do something for my older brother, who for once it seems hit the nail squarely on the head. This Michele thing is working out beyond my wildest expectations. Maybe I should just adopt Michele at least for the interim that is.”

The three emerged from the apartment building and was greeted by a warm late summer night. The heat that had been absorbed by the concrete and asphalt of the city was being slowly released into the already warm night air, which only enhanced the feel of summer as it slowly rose into the darken night. The leaves of the small oak trees that lined the city streets were rustling dryly against each other, as if announcing that fall was just around the corner. The streetlights shone brightly onto the dark pavement highlighting the markings of lanes, crosswalks, and directional arrows.
Michele stepped in between Cade and Kat before reaching for both their hands. Once she interlocked her fingers with theirs she stepped forward urging them on.
Walking hand-in-hand down the street Kat could not keep from thinking that this is what life is all about and with that she knew that this is what had been stolen from her. Thinking about the evening thus far made her want to cry, because what she was doing at this very moment was exactly what she had dreamed of doing her whole life. She was sharing special moments with people that she cared about – not that she cared about the young attorney or for that matter even liked him. Finally, she told herself to stop this silly girl fantasy. Her life had been altered for the worst and there was simply nothing she could do about that except to make sure no harm would come to her loved ones – and if that meant sacrificing her own life - then so be it. But she reminded herself that she would not go down alone and that she meant to send a few bad apples to hell…along with herself.
Sneaking a peek at Kat Cade saw what looked like a warm smile spread ever so slowly across her pretty face, but when he looked to her eyes though he noticed that they were filled with tears, as if she was about to cry. What a contradiction he thought – a pretty face that enclosed both a warm inviting smile and a set of enchanting emerald green eyes that seemed ready to spill over with gentle tears at any moment. Then it slowly dawned on him that this strange beautiful creature could actually be enjoying the evening, but in the same breath he also knew without a doubt that she was no where near ready to acknowledge those feelings that were written so clearly on her face.
* * *
Standing in the shadows Simon Perry smiled to himself, as he said, “Isn’t that something and that little girl is so cute. Wouldn’t it be terrible if something was to happen to such a pretty little thing?” Looking at the tall young woman he wondered how she would feel if some unforeseen unfortunate event was to come to pass to such an innocent little girl.
Watching the tall young woman intently Simon Perry spoke with both anger and satisfaction laced within his words, “So my dear - you want to play with the big boys do you. Well – let’s play then…shall we.” After watching his new nemesis, yes he thought his nemesis; after all he thought every slayer needs a nemesis. Smiling he said silently, “Not much of a nemesis that was true, but nevertheless he would call her his nemesis – if for no other reason it would add a little more satisfaction in the not so distant future when she would have to pay for her meddling ways.

Kat found the short walk to the small ice-cream parlor enjoyable as Michele rambled from one subject to another. The little girl seemed genuinely happy just simply holding their hands as they made their way along the busy and noisy city streets on a late warm summer night.
Suddenly Michele stopped, looked up at Cade and then Kat, as she said, “Isn’t this fun?”
Kat replied with a wide smile, “Yes it is actually.”
Cade added, “Yes Michele this is fun,” then turning his attention to Kat he continued, “In fact, this evening is turning out much better than I had thought possible.”
Surprised with his comment and knowing that Michele was gazing up at her, Kat simply smiled warmly in reply to his not so subtle compliment.
* * *
Suddenly Michele exclaimed excitedly, “There it is!” as she began pulling Kat and Cade along.
It was a quaint little corner-parlor that had a small red and blue neon sign that proclaimed ‘Best Ice Cream in the City.’
Michele turned to Kat with an excited smile, “I always get two-scoops, one chocolate and one vanilla.” Looking at her uncle she continued, “Uncle Cade always gets two scoops of chocolate – don’t you Uncle Cade?”
Looking down at his niece, he placed a hand gently atop her head and said, “I sure do,” as he glanced toward Kat with a quick smile.
Kat could not stop herself from thinking that maybe he was okay after all. I mean if this little girl could think so much of her uncle as Michele evidently does, then he couldn’t be all that bad – could he? Kat found herself asking, “Do you two come here often?”
Pleasantly surprised that she had actually asked him a question he replied happily, “Every time she comes for a visit.”
Before Kat could ask him another question she chided herself, “Don’t encourage him anymore than you already have. You are going to leave in a few minutes and that’ll be the end of it.”
* * *
They sat by a dusty window that overlooked the busy street. Michele was eagerly attacking her ice cream, while Cade gently lapped at his, all the while keeping a watchful eye on Kat. Kat on the other hand had yet to taste hers; she seemed content watching Michele enjoy hers. Finally noticing that Kat was not eating, Michele asked, “Aren’t you going to eat your ice cream?”
Feeling a little self-conscious Kat replied, “Oh, yes, I was just enjoying watching you.”
Finally Kat placed her tongue to the cool ice cream to show Michele that she was indeed going to eat her ice cream.
Cade watched intently as Kat slowly extended her tongue to sample the cool treat. He wasn’t even aware of the fact that he was holding his breath. He sat mesmerized as she curled her tongue into the shape of a ladle and deftly captured some of the melting liquid as it attempted to flow down the side of the cone. He could not believe that watching someone in the simple act of eating ice cream was without a doubt the sexiest thing he had ever witnessed.
* * *
Walking back to his apartment Kat realized that she had sorely needed this. This evening had been the first time in a very long time that she had had a chance to relax and enjoy herself. Funny she thought how things have a way of working out – she had come tonight ready to do battle with the…young attorney, but now other thoughts, pleasant ones were beginning to seep into her conscious. She had kept them in check for the most part, but now they were screaming to be heard – and she found that alarming to say the least. Because she knew that once her thoughts were out in the open that it would be like opening Pandora’s Box. It would be impossible for her to put them back, and worse, if this young attorney had any idea of what she was feeling – she knew without a doubt that it would only encourage him to pursue this dangerous path that he had so naively taken.
Michele suddenly pulled her hands free from both Kat and Cade and before either one of them could react grabbed them both by the wrist and brought their hands together pressing them tightly together. Next she latched onto Kat’s free hand as if nothing had happened at all, except it had.
Kat attempted to free her hand from Cade, but rather than letting go as Kat had expected him to do – he held onto her hand even tighter and out of the corner of her eye she watched as the corners of his lips turned up in a sly smile. When she turned in the other direction she found Michele looking up at her with a mischievous smile of her own. In one hand Kat held the small dainty hand of Michele’s, but her other hand was being held onto tightly by a much larger and stronger hand. One hand felt nice, safe and comforting, whereas the other felt anything but. It felt hot and unsettling, and worse yet the heat from his large hand was quickly making its way up her arm. She silently prayed that whatever she was feeling traveled no further than her arm.
* * *
Once back in the young attorney’s apartment Kat kneeled on one knee and said with a warm inviting smile, “Michele I had a wonderful time tonight, then looking up at Cade momentarily before continuing, “And you special little girl made all the difference in the world.”
Cade was surprised at both Kat’s words and the warm expression on her face as she continued to tell Michele goodnight. But most surprising though was her expression when she had looked up at him…there had been no anger or animosity. She had looked at him differently, of that he was sure of, but he still wasn’t able to read the meaning behind those enchanting green eyes. Looking at her bent on one knee though he was sure of one thing; he did not want her to leave.

After telling Michele goodbye Kat began walking toward the door. She had every intention to open the door and just leave without saying a word to the young attorney. In fact she told herself to keep walking and not look back, just open the door and leave – after all she had done what they had agreed upon hadn’t she. She was reaching for the doorknob when surprisingly she found herself slowly turning around to face him. Kat knew it was a mistake as soon as her eyes met his, for his eyes were like an open book – easy to read – easy to understand. But by the way he was searching deep within her eyes she also knew without a doubt that her own eyes were just as transparent as his – telling him what she didn’t want him to know.
She had tried to conceal her feelings throughout the evening, but now standing before him she suddenly realized that she had failed miserably in that effort. Not only had she been unable to conceal how she felt from him, but more than likely even Michele had figured out what she was only now admitting to herself. That for some reason unknown to her she actually cared for him maybe even liked him, and worst-yet she found herself physically attracted to him. She could keep telling herself that she wasn’t, but she couldn’t deny the way her body responded whenever he neared her.
Her emotional or physical needs or both were betraying her at the absolute worst possible moment. Suddenly realizing that nothing good could possibly come from what she was thinking…what she wanted…what she needed…what her body longed-for – she forced herself to push aside the strong feelings that were attempting to take control of her. For she realized the dangers that she would be placing them in and she knew she could not – would not put them in harms way. So she quickly turned back around and reached for the door with a steely determination that she would not endanger any more lives – after all is that not how Vlad had come to control her.
Feeling moisture beginning to form in her eyes Kat pulled the door open in an attempt to flee before she lost what little resolve she had left. But when she opened the door to leave, a man and woman stood hand in hand with huge smiles plastered across their faces. And Kat knew immediately who they were. It was Cade’s brother and his wife. The resemblance between the two men was very strong, leaving no doubt that this was indeed Cade’s brother and the pretty young woman beside him without question had to be Michele’s mother – their likeness even more pronounced than that of the two brothers.
Alice spoke first, “Good. We got back in time to meet you.”
“Actually, I was just leaving,” Kat responded.
Alice hooked her arm in Kat’s and said, “No. I won’t hear of it,” as she led Kat back into the apartment before continuing, “I feel bad enough as it is. Please we’ll collect our daughter and be on our way.” Without giving Kat a chance to get a word in Alice continued her verbal onslaught, “Trust me when I say this - I had no hand whatsoever in my daughter being left…”
Derrick walked up behind his wife, placed his hand over his her mouth and said, “Hi, I’m Derrick and this little chatter-box is my wife Alice. As you can tell sometimes it is necessary to take drastic steps when one needs to speak in her company.”
Alice stood motionless except for the ever-growing frown across her forehead until she finally pulled her husband’s hand from her mouth, “You big oaf, go round-up your daughter so we give these two a little time to themselves.”
Smiling Derrick politely turned and walked toward Cade, but as he approached his brother he twisted his face in mock pain and once out of earshot of the two women he whispered, “Oh-My-God little brother where did you find her – that is one hot number.
Cade simply smiled and gave his brother a nod of agreement before adding, “And by the way brother – the Michele thing worked out great. Just like you said it would.”
“Glad to be of service. And I have another bit of advice for you little brother – and you can trust me on this one too.”
“Okay I’ll bite.”
Derrick slowly turned to face Kat as he said with sincerity, “She’s a keeper little brother – she’s a keeper. Both brothers starred across the room at the two young women deep in conversation.
Alice asked, “How long have you known him?”
Kat answered, “Only a couple days.”
Alice added, “He’s a very good man, but I imagine you already know that.”
“Yes. From what I’ve seen of him he seems like a very nice man.”
Alice continued, “Michele just loves her uncle. She thinks her Uncle Cade hung the moon.”
Smiling Kat added, “Yes she certainly does. And your daughter is such a precious child. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed her company this evening.”
Alice continued, “I just hate that we interfered with your date. I know how it is on a first date – you know when you are trying to impress or win the other person over.”
Kat replied quickly, “It’s not like that at all. Really, I’m not trying to impress or as you say win him over.”
Alice who had been watching Cade turned back to face Kat, “Maybe you’re not, but what about him,” – both women turned and looked toward Cade – “trust me when I say this and I know my brother-in-law. I have never seen him look at any of his other girl friends the way he looks at you.”
Kat did not respond verbally to Alice’s comment, but did stare in Cade’s direction with a little more intensity.
Finally Alice said, “Excuse me,” she walked over to where Derrick and Cade were standing taking turns glancing in Kat’s direction. “Where is your daughter? And studs if you’re going to stare in her direction at least close your mouths.”
Michele ran into the room with a cloth bag full of her belongings and headed straight for Kat. Kat picked Michele up in one swift movement, as Michele hugged Kat tightly around the neck and kissed her on the cheek before saying loud enough for everyone to hear, “I hope you and Uncle Cade become boyfriend and girlfriend, so that I can visit the both of you again.”
Alice said, “That’s sweet of you Michele,” Alice turned to Kat and moving her lips in silence, “I hope that too.”
Kat didn’t respond, but their comments warmed her heart. She thought - maybe another place another time, but not here…not now.
Michele turned to Cade who was now standing next to Kat, “Uncle Cade, are you going to ask Kat out again?”
Taken by surprise Cade stammered, “Uh, well…”
Alice quickly came to Cade’s rescue, “Husband get Miss Match here it’s time we leave. I’m sure Kat and Cade would not mind spending a few minutes alone.”
Cade said, “Here we’re walk you out.”
Alice responded, “No you will not. We are capable of seeing ourselves out - we have made a nuisance of ourselves enough for one night. Alice leaned in and kissed Kat on the cheek and said in a whisper, “I hope to see you again.”
As soon as Derrick pulled from the curb from in front of his brother’s apartment building Alice turned and asked Michele, “What did you think of Uncle Cade’s date?”
“She was nice. I hope she becomes Uncle Cade’s girlfriend - don’t you mommy?”
“Yes honey I think that would be nice too, but as far as the two of them becoming girlfriend and boyfriend, I’m afraid that will be for the two of them to decide.”
Alice looked over at her husband, who was smiling broadly. Finally she shook her head from side to side before asking, “And what did you think of her?”
“She seemed like a nice girl.”
“That’s it. She seemed like a nice girl.”
“Well, she was a bit tall for my taste, but I could see where Cade could have a thing for her.”
Alice added in a low voice, “Yeah, I bet you could.”
In the back seat Michele was very much interested in the conversation taking place between her parents, but a set of bright lights from a vehicle pulling into traffic from directly behind them caught her attention. She watched as her father adjusted the rear-view mirror, which averted the blinding lights from his eyes; however the two bright beams of light continued to illuminate the interior of the car allowing Michele to plainly see the faces of her parents as they turned to face the other while talking.
Finally she twisted in her seat to glance out the back window at the vehicle with the offending lights. At first the only thing she could see were two bright beams of light shinning directly into her eyes, but when a car approached from the opposite direction its lights illuminated the interior of the other car, momentarily revealing the driver for a few brief seconds. He was a large man with an even larger head and when the lights from the passing car caught his eyes Michele saw that he was starring intently at her. Momentarily frightened she abruptly turned back around in her seat, but she could not stop thinking about the way the big headed man with the small round beady eyes had been looking at her. Why had he been starring at her she thought? Michele was about to mention the man to her parents when she noticed the interior of their car beginning to darken. Taking a deep breath she summoned enough courage to quickly glance out the back window again. This time though there was no vehicle with bright lights nor did she see the big man with the large head and small round beady eyes looking at her.
Cade asked, “What about a cup of coffee?”
Kat replied, “No. I should really be going,” but the words were spoken with some hesitancy and she heard the uncertainty in her own words.
Not wanting to plead, but on the other-hand not wanting her to leave either he continued, “Come-on, one-cup. Anyway if you leave now you could run into Michele and Alice – and they left so we might have a few minutes alone.”
Yes that could prove a little awkward Kat thought, “Okay, but then I really do have to leave.”
As soon as Cade walked into the kitchen for the coffee Kat’s cell phone rang, “Hello.”
“It’s me.”
Kat replied, “Who’s me?”
“Roger. Remember me?”
“Did you get it done?”
“Surprisingly I did. My editor just approved the story. It’s not going to be on the front page, but…”
Kat looked up to see Cade walking back into the room with two cups of steaming coffee so she quickly cut Roger off in mid-sentence, “Very good Roger, but I’ll have to get back to you.”
Cade placed both cups on the small coffee table that lay between them. Kat reached for a cup and slowly brought the hot liquid to her lips. As she sipped tentatively she raised her eyes over the rim of the cup only to see that the young attorney was starring intently at her.
Startled at being caught starring at her Cade lowered his eyes and quickly reached for the other cup almost tipping it over in the process. God but he enjoyed looking at her…and having her so nearby gave him a feeling that was both comforting and unnerving at the same time.
Lowering her eyes and remembering how he had made her feel earlier Kat knew that she needed to end the evening now, before those same feelings resurfaced leaving her susceptible to his…Kat placed her cup onto the table, stood and announced, “I think it’s time I leave.” Becoming angry not at him, but at herself for allowing her feelings to interfere with what she knew she should have already done. Namely end the evening before her emotional and physical needs rendered her unable…damn it - stop thinking these thoughts she scolded herself!
Cade stood as his mind raced for any rationale explanation that might keep her from leaving, keep her in his presence for just a little longer. Unable though to think of any plausible reason that could prolong their evening; he stood and reluctantly accepted the fact that he may never see her again.
They both stood looking at the other for several seconds. One not wanting the evening to end the other wanting the evening to end for reasons she knew she would never be able to explain.
Breaking the silence Kat felt a need to at least say something positive about their evening, “I had a really nice time. And to be honest with you I didn’t expect that to happen.”
Cade said, “Speaking of being honest – I have something I want to say.”
Turning and making her way to the door Kat said, “It’s okay really. I think I understand why you did what you did,” she knew it was imperative that she leave now before her emotions clouded her judgement. God, but he was good looking and so damn open with his feelings. Maybe she had mistaken his openness for deviousness. Or maybe she was simply incapable of trusting anyone including herself. With all the deceit and treachery of the past year who could blame her for always looking for the worst in others.
“No it’s not okay and no I don’t think you understand why I did what I did, because I don’t even know if I understand it myself. But I want to…no I need to explain my actions to you and in doing so maybe I will come to understand them as well”
She turned around to face him with all the strength she could muster said, “Really that won’t be necessary.”
“Yes it is. I just hope that you don’t think me crazy or something when I say what I’m about to tell you.”
Their eyes met, hers resigned to the fact that she would listen to what he had to say and his determined to say things that both frightened him to his core and also things that he truly felt – things that he never thought himself capable of thinking…feeling.
Cade hesitantly stepped closer to the green-eyed creature that had so enchanted him. She did not waver or step-back, instead she stood resolutely in front of him, waiting for him to continue.
Each became aware of the others increased breathing rate. Cade felt perspiration form along his hairline and did not know if he had the courage to speak of the things that he wanted to say. He watched as she lowered her eyes and slowly began to turn away from him. He cursed himself silently for being a coward. Then somehow he found the courage to extend his arm placing his hand gently onto her shoulder before saying, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Kat stopped in he tracks, but did not turn to face him, instead saying with her back to him as if she had not heard his words or felt the heat from his hand on her shoulder, “I have to go.”
Gingerly increasing the pressure on her shoulder he turned her to face him, “I’m sorry, but its how I feel. You’re the only thing I think about. I haven’t been able to eat or sleep since…”
With her head down she interrupted, “Please don’t do this.”
Cade gingerly lifted Kat’s chin wanting to see her eyes before continuing, “I don’t mean to scare you. I really don’t, but I’m afraid if you walk out that door that I may never have another chance to tell you how I feel. I just…”
With moist eyes and a quavering voice Kat said, “We just met yesterday. There is no way…”
With her chin still in his hand Cade moved closer and said firmly in a low breath, “I know how I feel.”
Sucking in a deep breath Kat said, “But…”
Cade did not allow her to say another word as he lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was tentative warm and soft. He was mildly surprised that she did not recoil or turn away. It was true that she had not yet reciprocated, but neither had she stopped him. Cade removed his lips and said, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
Barely able to speak Kat said breathlessly, “We shouldn’t…”
Once again Cade stopped her words by placing his mouth over hers. With their lips touching lightly he said, “Yes we should.”
Closing her eyes Kat breathlessly said, “Please don’t.”
Cade gently placed his hand behind her head increasing the pressure of his lips onto hers. After a few seconds Cade felt her lips begin to relax and then ever so slowly begin to respond.
Kat felt lightheaded as the room began to spin before her. She felt his lips press against hers with greater urgency, they were soft and pliable, but she could also feel the heat and desire within his kiss – their kiss. Breathing became difficult as her heart began to race wildly.
Cade too was feeling the effects of the kiss. He had not realized that he had been holding his breath until he felt the need for oxygen that had been denied his lungs. Cade did not want to interrupt their kiss, but his lungs felt as if they were about to burst. Finally he forced his lips from hers as he gasped loudly for the much-needed oxygen.
Kat asked breathlessly, “Ar…Are you okay?”
Sucking in air as if he had just run a marathon he answered between gasps, “Yes…I’m fine.” Overcome with wanting more of her Cade once again pressed his lips against hers, but this time there was greater urgency in his kiss. He placed his left hand to the small of Kat’s back and pulled her gently into him. His other hand, which had been cradling Kat’s head, softly grasped a handful of hair as he increased the intensity of their kiss.
A soft moan escaped Kat’s lips when he pulled her against him. A few seconds later she felt her legs buckle, but Cade gently kept her upright as he increased the pressure of his hand on the small of her back pressing their bodies together even tighter. In an attempt for stability Kat hurriedly kicked her heels from her feet, and opened her eyes in surprise when she felt his hard masculinity pressed firmly against her soft abdomen and thought, yes I guess without heels on you are taller.
Suddenly Kat felt as if her whole body was on fire. She wanted this man and that both frightened and excited her. But she knew if she did not stop him now that very, very shortly she would lose what little self-control she had left, but when he forced his tongue between her lips any thoughts of stopping him ceased to exist.
Then without warning his probing tongue was upon hers. At first its assault was gentle almost soothing in nature. But very quickly it stepped up its attack as it began twisting and pulling with a stubborn desire. His tongue did not relent until it had coaxed a response from its owner.
Kat senses shifted into over-drive and without warning she felt overwhelmed by her surroundings, by what he was doing to her. She found herself in an emotional and physical meltdown as time and space ceased to exist. She became even more lightheaded – either due to lack of air or excitement or desire she wasn’t sure any longer. A few minutes ago she was afraid that this would happen, but now the only thing she was afraid of was that he would stop. A small flicker of remorse tried to seep into her consciousness, but she quickly decided that there would be time for guilt later, and later she knew there would be plenty, but for now all she could think about was the wonderful pleasure that she was receiving from this man.
By the time her tongue found his she was clinging tightly to his masculine form unable to hold back any longer. She deepened her kiss twisting her tongue around his and inviting him with more of herself. She ran one hand through his dark wavy hair for several seconds, while the other roamed freely over his broad shoulders and strong arms. Suddenly she became of his warm fingers traveling from the small of her back to her waist leaving a trail of heat and desire in their wake. Her legs became rubbery when his warm fingers slipped inside her sweater and began to move ever so slowly up her feminine shape. Reaching her rib cage he slowed his fingers to a snail's pace allowing them to mover over the contour of each rib at their leisure and when his hand brushed along the side of her breast she sucked in a deep breath. If she had not been totally aware of her state of arousal she was now, her nipples were swollen, taut, and aching to be touched. Oh God how she wanted his hands to touch her breast…and yes place his fingers upon her swollen nipples. She could think of nothing else, but of the pleasure that she was receiving from this man. She had not thought such pleasure possible. There was no longer a question of stopping him or running away. It was too late except to let him…to let herself enjoy this moment in time.
She lost herself in his kisses returning them feverishly only wanting more. When he moved his lips from hers and placed them onto her delicate neck she arched her back into him and let out a moan of exquisite pleasure.
Cade placed his free hand onto her cheek as he continued to suckle along her long slender neck. Slowly his fingers slid across her cheek to her chin. Next he gently let his fingers trail down her long slender neck before finally coming to rest in the sensitive hollow at the base of her neck. With his fingers lying gently in this most sensitive spot he allowed his palm to rest lightly against her chest.
Kat thought if there is a God in heaven please let his fingers move even lower. Her nipples were straining against her small satin bra attempting to free themselves from their bondage. She felt like screaming - please do it now. Please dear God I don’t think I can stand it any longer.
Finally as if answering her silent plea he gently lifted his fingers from the base of her neck and tentatively cupped her breast with trembling fingers. Not yet entirely believing his good fortune, but with his fragile confidence growing bolder every second he allowed his thumb to move ever so slowly across her hard sensitive nipple, sending an electrical shock to every cell in her body. Suddenly without warning Kat felt her overheated body shudder for several long seconds before she finally collapsed lifelessly into his arms.

When Kat opened her eyes she was still clinging to the handsome young attorney and seemed somewhat disoriented as to how she had come to be in his arms, but when her eyes met his she remembered exactly where she was and precisely what she…they had been doing. Still breathing heavily they starred at each other for several long seconds. Suddenly embarrassed Kat started to speak, but Cade quickly scooped her up into his arms, momentarily taking her breath away. Again she opened her mouth to speak, but seeing how well kissing her had worked earlier he quickly once again placed his mouth over hers, and just like that she found herself under his spell once again.
Not wanting to mess with success Cade kept his mouth glued to hers as he carried her toward his bedroom. He could not believe that his kisses were having such an effect on any woman, especially this woman, but he was not about to meddle with evidently what was seemingly working so well.
Kat dismissed any thoughts of wrong doing as her emotional and suddenly overpowering sexual urges took on a life of their own. She found herself unable or unwilling to stop him or for that matter to stop herself. She had one hand wrapped around his neck as the other lay softly upon his cheek. She kept her eyes closed for she was embarrassed and did not want him to see the desire that filled them. She knew exactly where she was being carried to and for what purpose, but for once in her life she would succumb to what she wanted, what she needed…and worry about the consequences another time another place.
Kat was surprised when she felt herself being lowered feet first onto the floor rather than onto his bed. Cade gently placed her bare feet onto the soft carpet and hesitantly released her from his arms. When Kat felt his warm moist lip move from hers she found the courage to open her eyes, but the room was pitch black with the only sounds being their labored breathing. She knew he was standing near her for she could feel his warm excited breath play against her sensitive face each time he exhaled.
They stood in the dark for several seconds not moving, only breathing, and for a second Kat thought that he had changed his mind about her, that maybe he no longer wanted her like she wanted him. As if on cue a dark cloud moved from in front of a very bright moon allowing the sun’s reflection to stream through the window illuminating the room with a soft glow. Kat hesitantly looked into Cade’s eyes and knew immediately that her fears of being forsaken were unfounded, because his eyes were full of the same desire that filled hers.
They stood starring into each other’s eyes for what seemed an eternity to Kat. She felt as if her skin was on fire, as if every nerve ending was alive with anticipation. She wanted his hands to touch her, to explore every inch of her body, and she wanted his lips upon her in the worst way. And she wanted something else too, wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything in her whole life…she wanted him inside of her…she wanted to be one with him. God forgive her, but that was exactly what she wanted – what she desired so strongly that at this moment in time everything else seemed inconsequential.
Kat did not know how much longer she could take standing so near him, but yet not have his hands upon her. Then it dawned on her that she had not considered how he was feeling or why he was standing mere inches from her and not taking her in his arms. Didn’t he know that she was waiting for him, aching with every bare nerve in her body for him to touch her…to take her?
How stupid of her she thought - he was waiting for her. Waiting for her to decide if this was truly what she wanted. He was making sure that it would be her decision and not his if they continued along this reckless path.
Kat looked again into his eyes, but this time from a totally different perspective. What she saw registered in his dark eyes did not disappoint her because they were full of the same desire, hope, and anticipation – that filled hers. Without taking her eyes from his she reached with trembling fingers and grasped the top button of his shirt and twisted it free. Continuing to stare into his eyes she repeated the process until each and every button became free of their constraints. She stepped a little closer, lowered her eyes and with both hands pushed the shirt up and off his shoulders and watched it fall lifelessly to the floor. She stepped even closer placing both her hands onto his hairy chest and standing on her bare toes kissed him softly on the lips.
Cade wanted to reach out and take this beautiful creature into his arms, but he fought the temptation with every ounce of self-control that remained within him. He wondered if she had any idea of the power that she held over him. He knew in that instant that he loved her more than his own life, that without question if necessary he would give his own life so that she may live. Intellectually he knew how foolish it was to think this way about someone whom he had just met; after all he had only known her since yesterday. But why did it seem he had known her all his life? Or was it simply that he had been waiting for someone like her all his life, but in the end it he knew it did not matter one way or the other because she was with him now – right here right now and that was all that mattered.
As Kat pulled her lips from his and stepped back she let her hands trail down his hairy masculine chest. Encouraged by Kat’s actions Cade reached with his own trembling finger to begin the process of unbuttoning the tight fitting cardigan sweater, but his large fingers fumbled helplessly as they attempted to manipulate the first small button. Her trembling body and heaving chest only added more variables for his fumbling fingers to overcome. Just when he was about to panic he felt her slim fingers slide along his and watched as they deftly did the job quickly and effortlessly. As Kat had done earlier Cade pushed the top up and over her shoulders allowing the sweater to fall into a heap onto the floor. But unlike Kat he did not watch the piece of clothing fall from her shoulders onto the floor, instead his eyes never left the beautiful sight of her modest but ample mounds of flesh that seemed ready to escape from their captor – a small delicate tan satin bra. He wanted to lift his eyes to her face, but found that feat impossible as they were glued helplessly to her rising and falling chest. He silently prayed that he would have better luck removing the thin satin bra than he had had with the troublesome sweater.
When the phone rang Cade cursed silently to himself. They looked at each questioning, but when Cade stepped closer to Kat the ringing phone was all but forgotten. He kissed her softly as he reached around with both arms, but when his bare chest came into contact with the thin satin material that lay between him and her warm flesh he found that his nervous fingers were unable to unclasp the small mechanism. But this time there was no panic in his futile effort, because he was certain that she would help him in his endeavor to free her beautiful breast. When he felt her arms begin to move back behind her he stepped back to better view what he knew would be a sight that he would never forget for the rest of his life.
Once again holding his breath Cade watched anxiously as the beautiful tall lean young woman’s hands disappeared behind the shapeliest sexy body he had ever seen. He prayed silently to God thanking him for allowing this moment in time. But Cade was quickly brought back to the here and now when he heard his friend’s voice on the answering machine.
“Was that your mystery woman on the phone this afternoon? I have to say that I was shocked to see you so flustered this afternoon, I mean I’ve watched you perform in the courtroom on several occasions and you were always so under control never letting anything get to you. It was actually nice to see that you’re human too – know what I mean.”
Cade wanted to silence the machine without drawing attention to the fact that he wanted his friend’s words to stop in the worst way. But rather than chance what Matt might say next he quickly took a step to the right of Kat hoping to push the mute button before his friend’s words inadvertently ruined the evening. He did not anticipate Kat stepping just as quickly to her left blocking his path. Their eyes met suddenly and violently, hers opened wide in surprise and his full of fear of what his friend might say next. Cade watched with a failing heart as she snapped the bra back together without ever revealing those beautiful mounds of womanhood.
Matt continued, “I found something else interesting too about this afternoon. When the frightened young girl gave a description of the mysterious woman in the cornfield your face drained of all its color.”
Upon hearing Matt’s words Cade knew that all was lost and when he looked back into Kat’s eyes they confirmed his worst fears, for he could see the confusion beginning to settle into them.
“Using my deductive reasoning skills, you know me being a detective and everything I sort of deducted that the young woman in the cornfield was most likely the same young woman that you requested the search for. And the way you acted when you received the phone call this afternoon, well that only heightened my suspicions that you knew more about things than you were letting on. For your sake my friend I hope I’m wrong. The District Attorney’s Office has been in the news enough recently. I really don’t think your office could survive another example of unethical behavior or wrongdoing from one of its own. Oh yes, I almost forgot the records and accompanying photographs you requested are sitting on my desk as I speak. Come by tomorrow around noon, by the way that’s the same time that Katey and her mother will be coming. I thought that maybe I might get lucky and knock two birds in the head at the same time – you know what I mean.”
Cade watched as Kat quickly bent down picked-up her sweater and hurriedly covered herself, but this time in her haste she too fumbled nervously with the buttons. When she raised her eyes they were full of tears, hurt, anger, and confusion. Sobbing loudly with mascara laced tears flowing heavily down both cheeks Kat cried, “I feel as if I’m going to be sick,” catching her breath she continued, “You are without doubt the lowest life form on this planet! Her words were barley comprehensible as they flew from her mouth, “And…and to think we were about to make love or I guess as far as you’re concerned we were about to screw! No on second thought you were just going to fuck me weren’t you?”
Cade reached out with both hands to console her, as he said, “No. It’s not like that at all.”
Kat angrily knocked his hands away and said, “Don’t you ever touch me again! I won’t be responsible for what I’ll do if you ever lay another hand on me!”
Cade had never seen another human so angry and so hurt. Kat’s eyes were menacing red and dark colored veins began forming ominously along her forehead. But still he was not about to let her leave without at least trying to explain his actions. Remembering how well kissing her had worked earlier he stepped forward and pressed his lips against hers, but this time they were met without a trace of acceptance. He pressed his lips against hers even more, as he was unwilling or reluctant to accept that this time his actions were proving totally fruitless. Suddenly he flinched in pain and stepped back saying, “You bit me!”
Kat responded angrily emphasizing each word, “I-did-not-bite-you!”
Cad- swiped his index finger across his lips and showed her that indeed there was a small amount of blood on its tip.
Seeing the bright red blood Kat stepped forward like a predator about to pounce on an injured prey. But suddenly becoming aware of her predator-like response to the sight of his blood Kat forced herself to stop her cat-like advance. Then she felt his thick warm liquid on her lips. She hesitantly placed her index finger to her lips before slowly bringing her eyes down to see that his blood was without a doubt on her finger. Next without thinking she placed her finger back into her mouth and allowed her tongue to taste the warm dark rich liquid. She left her finger in her mouth for several seconds savoring the taste, but when her sensitive finger grazed over something sharp she immediately looked into his questioning eyes.
Sensing his confusion at her behavior she turned her back to him and screamed, “Get out of here!”
Cade said hesitantly, “But…”
Interrupting him Kat screamed louder, “Now! Get out now!”
When she heard the door shut she quickly brought her finger back to her lips to feel of the sharp instrument within her mouth. She opened her mouth as her fingers trailed along one of her suddenly long sharp canines. Scared she ran into the bathroom to see that her reflection in the mirror was pale, but surprisingly the two long shiny daggers were not. Kat began to cry uncontrollably upon her discovery because she knew without a doubt that things would never be the same from this point forward – not that they ever were she thought. Suddenly realizing how stupid she had been to allow this to happen she continued to weep unabated.
Several seconds later Kat heard Cade’s soft voice say, “I’m sorry.” He had evidently crept back into his apartment unheard due to her weeping.
Suddenly dawning on her that she was in his apartment Kat said without turning to face him, “I’m leaving, but I don’t want to ever cross paths with you again.”
Still with her back to him she interrupted, “Get this through your thick skull Counselor once and for all. I don’t want to ever see your face again. Surely even a back stabber like yourself can understand that.”
Cade silently watched as she walked out his front door without ever turning to face him. Under his breath he mumbled, “I guess if I was her I wouldn’t look at me either.”
Kat quickly punched in Darryl’s number.
After one ring she heard, “Hello.”
Calming herself Kat said, “Darryl where are you?”
“Parked just up the street.”
“I’ll be right out,” Kat announced.
Darryl asked, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.”
“Just pick me up Darryl would you please?”
* * *
The cab screeched to a stop, Kat hurriedly pulled the door open and slid into the front seat without saying a word. Kat immediately attempted to look out the passenger side window, but plastic sheeting which had been placed in lieu of the broken glass obstructed her view. In an attempt to avoid Darryl’s peering eyes she continued to stare into the make-shift window.
* * *
From his apartment balcony above Cade watched as Kat open the door to a yellow taxi, jump inside and promptly slam the door shut. He would have liked to watch her a little longer if only for a few more seconds, but a thick sheeting of plastic covered the passenger-side window opening. Odd he thought off-hand that a cab driver would not have a broken window replaced immediately. Once the cab disappeared from sight he turned and slowly, almost painfully so shuffled back into his apartment, where he knew without a doubt that another night of sleeplessness awaited him.
* * *
Starring in her direction with concern Darryl asked, “What happened in there?”
“Nothing! Just go will you?”
Darryl said, “Turn around. I’m not moving until you look at me.”
“Darryl would you please just drive us home?”
“Not until you turn around. I’m serious.”
Kat turned toward Darryl and said, “There. Now can we please just leave?”
Kat’s face was streaked with dried tears and mascara and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.
Darryl asked angrily, “What did he do to you.”
“Nothing. Really.”
Darryl replied sarcastically, “Then how do you explain you sweater?”
Glancing at her sweater Kat saw that it was ill fitting with the second button fastened into the first hole. She quickly corrected the mistake and said, “It’s not like that at all,” hearing the words she had just heard Cade say.
Darryl asked with all seriousness, “Did he rape you? Because if he did…”
“No of course not.”
“Are you sure?”
“Darryl, I think I would know it if I had been raped.”
“Do I need to go in there…?”
“The only thing you need to do is get us out of here.”

* * *
Fifteen minutes later they pulled-up in front of the drab apartment building they called home. Darryl broke the silence, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine. Can we just go inside and forget this ever happened?”
Silently Darryl thought I can, but I don’t know if you can. As soon as they stepped onto the sidewalk a dusty and dirty city bus pulled up to the curb directly behind them. Kat and Darryl both turned when they heard the bus’s loud air brakes come to life. Next they watched as Ronnie Cruz and Essie stepped from the bus.
Darryl said, “Great. Here comes little Scar Face wannabe.”
Kat said, “Scar Face was Cuban not Mexican Darryl.”
“Is there a difference?”
Shaking her head from side to side and rolling her eyes at Daryl’s comment Kat saw that Essie was waving at her. Waving back politely Kat watched as Essie grabbed Ronnie’s hand and began pulling him toward them. Essie yelled, “Wait a minute! I have something I need to tell you!”
Kat whispered, “Darryl behave would you please?”
“I ain’t taking no…crap from that little wetback.”
As Essie approached she asked, “Can I speak with you in private?”
The two girls walked several feet from where Ronnie and Darryl stood sizing each other up.
Essie said, “I spoke with my grandmother last night and she said something that I think you might want to hear.”
Kat replied, “I don’t understand?”
“I mentioned your friend Vlad to my grandmother.”
“I see.”
Essie continued, “It seems years ago in Haiti my grandmother once knew your friend Vlad. At least that is what he said. Your friend Vlad also said that my Grandmother was once a powerful Priestess of some sorts in the old-world of Black Magic.
“See but what I found strange about all this is that my grandmother is now ill and almost totally senile.”
Kat said, “Sorry to hear that.”
Essie continued, “But this is the strange part. When I mentioned meeting your friend Vlad she became her old self again, if only briefly for a few seconds. I don’t know if this means anything to you or not, but this is what she said when I told her about you and your friend Vlad, ‘Tell the young lady this. Look in the past to see her future.’ Like I said I don’t know what that means if anything, but strangely when she said those words she sounded totally lucid – like her old self. Like I said the reason I thought that it might be important is that for the past four months whenever we spoke she has been completely senile, never making any sense whatsoever – that is except for what I just told you. I don’t know - maybe that was nonsensical also.”
Kat said ambivalently, “Thank you Essie. I don’t know if what your Grandmother said means anything or not, but I will definitely think about what she said. Who knows maybe what she said could prove to be important.”
Simon Perry watched the car containing the young girl brake lights come to life and pull left into a driveway. As he slowly drove by the property he noted the address and looking up the long narrow driveway his eyes focused on the inside of a well-lit garage. He watched excitedly as the small blond girl bounded out of the car and ran into the house ahead of her parents.
Simon Perry immediately dialed the number of an old acquaintance. He was an old acquaintance that was true, but in reality Simon Perry had never met him in person or for that matter even knew his name. But each man clearly understood the importance of remaining anonymous, especially in the line of work that they both pursued so passionately. On the other end of the line he heard a high pitch voice, “Yeah.”
Simon Perry responded, “It’s me.”
Bernard Wellman sighed heavily before answering, “I haven’t heard from you in quiet awhile.”
“I have a job for you.”
Bernard Wellman stood five-foot-two and had a slight build for a man. Two large ears stood out noticeably from a smallish almost completely baldhead. In a futile effort a few strands of long dark hair attempted to cover his ever-thinning hair. He wore a thin mustache upon even thinner lips and on each side of a long narrow nose were two small round eyes full of nervousness and apprehension. Bernard worked in a large insurance firm in the data entry department. He felt the job beneath a man of his unique abilities, but the tedious work did provide him with two important benefits. The monotonous job allowed him to be one of many and as long as he did not do anything to attract any unwanted attention to himself he appeared for all practical purposes to be a productive citizen – albeit it a boring one. The other fringe benefit of his tedious job gave him a reason to get up mornings and go to work each and every day. In fact he spent large portions of the day fantasizing about some of the information that he so dutifully entered into the firm’s computers. And on the rare occasions that photographs of families with young children accompanied their applications, well, those were the days that Bernard found most rewarding and satisfying. It was also from these photographs that his young victims were chosen. After several seconds Bernard said, “I’m listening.”
Simon Perry continued, “I think you’ll like her,” after several seconds and hearing no response Simon continued, “She’s blonde, small and very pretty. I’d say about nine-years old or so, you know, just the age that you like ‘em.”
Bernard responded indifferently, “I don’t know. I’ve been keeping a low profile of late.”
“Yes. It seems you have my friend. Matter of fact for the past several months I haven’t read anything in the papers that has even been remotely similar to your… let’s say modus operandi. Actually with the lack of attention-grabbing reading material in the Enquirer I thought that maybe you had left the area – you know – in search of greener pastures if you will.”
Bernard responded, “Actually I have been thinking of leaving. It seems things here could be a little hot for the foreseeable future. This Simon Perry character has really turned things upside down in this town. You know making a mockery of the justice system the way he has could prove dangerous not just for him, but for a lot of others too - if you know what I mean.”
Smiling Simon Perry agreed, “Yes. I think I do know what you mean. If the authorities start looking back at unsolved cases that he may have been a part of, well, who knows, one thing could lead to another?
Bernard agreed, “My thinking exactly. And if the media gets a whiff of a good story and start digging around, who knows what they might unexpectedly uncover.” Bernard then added hesitantly, “But you know my nameless friend setting-up in another area can be quiet expensive.”
Sensing his opening Simon Perry said, “Maybe I could be of some assistance in your desire to relocate to more desirable surroundings. As you say relocating can be expensive”
Furrowing his brow Bernard said, “I’m still listening.”
“Would 10 thousand up-front and another 10 thousand upon completion of the job soften the impact of such a move?”
Simon Perry smiled when he heard his colleague take a deep breath on the other end of the line.
“How soon would you want this job done?”
Simon Perry replied, “As soon as possible,” thinking of the young woman in the field that had interrupted his well-laid out plans for his Katey he continued, “actually tomorrow will not be nearly soon enough for my satisfaction.”
Sensing his own advantage Bernard said, “One must be cautious and not reckless in such delicate matters as which we speak. I’m sure your use of the word tomorrow is a figure of speech, rather than an actual request.”
Simon Perry tensely said, “Would an extra 20 thousand convince you that I’m am indeed serious when I say tomorrow is not nearly soon enough.”
Smiling Bernard suddenly realized that it was he and not his surprisingly rich colleague who now held the upper hand in the negotiations. With a little more confidence in his high pitch voice Bernard said, “If favorable circumstance were to somehow present themselves in this endeavor I might be able to complete your request for… let’s say, an extra 40 thousand.” In an unnecessary attempt to justify his increased fee Bernard continued, “After all I’m sure you of all people understand the inherent dangers in attempting such a delicate matter within such a short period of time.” Sensing his advantage Bernard pressed on, “Surely a man with your astuteness in such matters understands that without the proper reconnaissance and planning that the odds grow exponentially against a positive outcome in such a risky operation as which you request of me.”
Simon Perry was not about to quibble over a few thousand dollars. In this case the end would justify the means. His only goal in this matter was that the young woman be made to pay dearly for meddling into things that did not concern her. Simon Perry smiled when he envisioned the young intrusive woman’s reaction when she learned of the terrible news that would soon befall her young friend. And when the nosy young woman discovered that she was solely responsible for the young girl’s demise – well that would definitely justify the means. Agreeing without argument that he approved of the increased fee Simon Perry said, “Yes friend you make a good point and I agree that your request for a larger fee is appropriate in this case.”
Bernard said, “Then it is done.”
“Yes it seems we have an agreement,” Simon Perry replied.
Wanting to clarify his fee Bernard said, “Twenty-five up-front and twenty-five up-on completion…right?”
Simon Perry responded sharply, “Don’t worry about the money. The important thing is that the job gets done as soon as possible – preferably tomorrow. These are your instructions. Are you ready?”
Thinking of the fifty-thousand dollars Bernard answered, “For that kind of payday, you bet I’m ready.”
Simon Perry gave Bernard the street address and added, “Get a walkie-talkie and keep it set on 3.25. Stay in the area everyday from 10:00A.M. until 3:00P.M., but do not draw attention to yourself. I will call you when the opportunity presents itself.”
Bernard protested, “I have a job you know.”
Simon Perry responded, “Take a vacation.”
Once inside Kat asked, “So Darryl… what did you and Ronnie talk about?”
“Actually he talked about you…and your friend Vlad”
“Yeah it seems that you and your friend Vlad have had in one way or another a positive effect on him.”
Kat asked doubtfully, “How’s that?”
Smiling Darryl continued, “He said with the likes of you and Vlad out on the streets that it’s not safe out there anymore.”
“Un huhn?”
“I’m serious. He said and I quote, ‘I’ve seen a lot in my day, but man I tell you right now, I haven't seen nothing like your girlfriend and that Vlad character. I mean them two are real abnormal. If that is what these streets are coming to, then man I don’t want any part of them anymore.’”
Kat replied, “He said that?”
Darryl starred at Kat for several seconds before asking, “What the hell was he talking about? I can understand why he thinks that way about that Goon Vlad, but that doesn’t explain why he thinks that way about you too.”
With all seriousness Kat replied, “I have no idea,” and turned away.
Several seconds later when Kat turned back around she found Darryl still starring at her. Looking into his questioning eyes Kat said innocently, “Really. I have no idea what he was talking about.”
Seeing that his questioning was getting nowhere fast Darryl plopped onto the sofa letting out a deep sigh before saying, “I’m bushed, I’m going to shut my eyes and not open them again for at least a good 10 hours.” Anticipating a response from Kat, but hearing none he glanced over his shoulder. Darryl mumbled an inaudible curse when he saw Kat. Her eyes were unfocused and starring out the window into the night sky and she seemed to be a thousand miles away lost in her own thoughts. Darryl thought please not now, not tonight, I need my rest. I mean haven’t we done enough for one day.
Coming out of her almost trance-like state Kat met Darryl’s eyes and said, “There’s something I have to do.”
Darryl said with little conviction, “Tomorrow right?”
“No I’m afraid it has to be done tonight. Matter of fact we have to leave now.”
“I was afraid you were going to say that.”
“We’ll be back before morning.”
Almost begging Darryl added, “I’m too tired to drive. I promise I need some sleep.”
Kat replied energetically, “Don’t worry you can sleep in the backseat while I drive.”
Darryl responded quizzically, “Hello…have you already forgotten about where your driving got us earlier today? Does Officer Higgins ring any bells for you?”
Sounding as if Darryl had already agreed to go with her Kat said, “Come on. We’ll get a Big Mac Meal on the way super-sized at that, and I’m buying.”
Well, he was starved that much was true. With his taste buds coming to life Darryl stood and followed Kat out of the apartment. Closing the door behind them he thought… wait a minute she doesn’t have any money.
* * *
About mid-night Kat brought the cab to a halt on a small hill over looking a street illuminated by several old fashion street lights that projected a soft glow onto the shadowy landscape. Kat felt her eyes begin to water as she took in the all too familiar surroundings. Her gaze fell upon a large colonial home where she knew her parents lay quietly sleeping. She let her gaze travel up to the small round window of her youth. As a young girl she had spent countless hours in the attic peering out that small window as she rummaged through old trunks full of her family’s history. Kat repeated the words of Essie’s grandmother, “Tell the young lady this. Look in the past to see her future.” If something of her family’s past was to be discovered she knew it would be found in those same old elegant trunks that she had so thoroughly enjoyed exploring as a young girl.
Darryl sat up, “Are we there yet?”
Smiling Kat replied, “Yes we are. Go back to sleep. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
Darryl’s nervous eyes glanced about praying that they were not parked in a cemetery. Once satisfied that they were not he said somewhat more calmly, “Where are we anyway?”
Kat wanted to tell Darryl anything but the truth, but looking into Darryl’s loyal and apprehensive eyes she knew it was time. Time to finally be honest and open with him, after all he had done everything that had been asked of him. It was simply time he knew of certain things, things that up until now she had kept from him. And soon, very soon, she would have to tell him everything…after all his life may…no his life would depend upon him knowing what he was up against.
Surprising herself she said, “I grew-up in that house”, solemnly she continued, “In fact my parents still live there.”
Darryl followed her gaze and said somewhat confused, “Are we here for a visit?”
“No. Not really. But I do need to look in the attic for something.”
“I’m just guessing here, but I imagine knocking on the door is not an option?”
“No I’m afraid it’s not.”
“I didn’t think so. Matter of fact it seems with you nothing is as simple as it seems or should be.
Darryl watched as Kat silently exited the cab and staying within the shadows made her way to the house of her childhood. He didn’t like to be alone in the dark and being in unfamiliar surroundings only compounded his anxiety. It was better than being left in a sinister cemetery late at night he thought - but not by much. Bringing his attention back to Kat he watched as she approached the front door as if she was about to knock, but instead of raising her hand to knock she bent down lifted a mat and seemed to remove a key from its hiding place. He nervously glanced about and when he looked back she was gone.
Once inside Kat fought the temptation to walk into her parent’s bedroom and tell them that she was fine and that everything would be okay again, but she knew by doing so that she would be placing their lives in mortal danger. Then she heard the low rhythmic breathing of her parents as they lay sleeping in their bed, unaware that their missing daughter stood only a room away from them. Listening intently as they inhaled and exhaled softly she became acutely aware of old familiar surroundings: her father’s after-shave and her mother’s perfume lingered everywhere about her…then she heard a soft step, but it was not from inside of the house, rather it came from outside, the front porch to be more specific. She froze fearing that she had been seen. She watched with stricken eyes as the door slowly opened and a dark shadowy figure stepped into the room. Kat let out a deep sigh of relief when her eyes met Darryl’s, but her look of relief was quickly replaced with one of annoyance.
Darryl saw the displeasure on Kat’s face. He hunched over, pressed his teeth tightly together and began taking exaggerated high steps with his arms rising and falling in unison with each step, as if his exaggerated movements made him silent proof.
When he reached Kat she leaned near his face and spoke with displeasure laced within her words, “What are you doing?”
“I’ve come to help.”
Kat shook her head in frustration, but knew her options at this point were limited, so simply turned and made her way toward the stairs.
Once at the foot of the stairs she turned to see Darryl looking about the house. She waited impatiently for him to look her way and once he did she angrily motioned for him to follow.
Darryl shook his head acknowledging her request and waved her own. Kat took a deep breath of irritation and began her ascent of the stairs, resigned to the fact that Darryl wasn’t leaving – at least without her.
The small window allowed just enough light to enter the attic for Kat to be able to maneuver around the many obstacles that lay strew across the floor. In the far corner she saw the 3 trunks that she hoped would provide the answers for which she searched. The first trunk she approached was a grand old mahogany steamer trunk and when she opened it smells of her childhood immediately wafted through the air making their way to her sensitive nostrils. Starring in the direction of the staircase she wondered what was keeping Darryl. Turning back to her work she flipped on a small flashlight that she had brought with her.
Downstairs Darryl had walked over to the fireplace, but it was the items on the mantle that caught his attention. Many of the photographs were of a tall auburn hair girl and on closer inspection he realized that most were no other than Kat herself. Many of the photographs were of Kat playing various sports, but there were also pictures that showed her passing through the various stages of life such as: birthday parties, banquets, and one of a prom which revealed a very grow-up looking young girl. Darryl turned toward the stairs, but a stack of newspapers on a small table caught his attention. He lifted the top paper and starred at a picture of a very pretty young woman and slowly read the accompany headline in bold print:
Katherine Ann Thomas missing presumed drowned.
Police Sgt. Scott Ward investigated the accident on Burt Road near Bryant’s Bridge that evidently took the life of Katherine Ann Thomas. Sgt. Ward says, “That in all likelihood the young lady was ejected from the vehicle upon impact. The car was discovered in 10 feet of swiftly moving water. Search crews have yet to find the body. Sgt. Ward stated that flood waters have hampered the search.
Darryl raised the article closer to his eyes; in the dim light it was difficult to discern due to the poor quality of the photograph, but when he placed it near a window the soft-glow from the street-lights illuminated the image – there was no doubt…it was Kat. He placed the paper back atop the others and then made his way toward the stairs. But instead of being enlightened by this new information Darryl felt more confused than ever. He thought none of this makes any sense whatsoever.
Reaching the attic Darryl saw Kat bent over rummaging around in an old trunk; contents of the trunk were scattered about haphazardly. The floor squeaked lightly as Darryl made his way toward Kat and the ever growing pile of discarded items.
Darryl leaned over near Kat’s ear and whispered, “Have you found whatever you’re looking for.”
Kat jerked around and said under her breath, “Darryl you scared me!”
“Can I help?”
“I wish you could, but to tell you the truth I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for.”
Confused Darryl questioned, “If you don’t know what you’re looking for, then how are you going to know if you find it?”
“I don’t know Darryl, but I have a feeling or rather I should say a premonition that what I’m looking for is in one of these three trunks. Don’t ask me to explain it because I don’t think I can.
Looking down into the near empty trunk Darryl said, “Well, whatever you’re looking for it’s not in this trunk.”
Kat agreed, “Yes I think you’re right,” but as she gently lowered the door her fingers felt something move within the thin fabric lining the top of the trunk. She opened the lid, ran her hand across the lining and once again felt something move within the flimsy material. Using her fingernail she ripped the material and watched as a small diary fell into the palm of her hand – immediately she felt a cold chill run up her spine. She glanced over her shoulder only to find Darryl starring wide-eyed at the small book in her hand. She sat back on her haunches before gingerly opening the cover of the evidently old but well preserved diary. She felt Darryl’s warm breath against the back of her neck as he peered excitedly over her shoulder.
Kat sucked in a deep breath when she saw the name on the diary. It belonged to her great-grandmother’s sister Katherine Ann Thomas – none other than her namesake.
With surprise in his voice Darryl blurted, “Katherine Ann Thomas.”
“Yes that’s my great-grandmother’s sister, the person I’m named after. Kat continued, “I don’t know a lot about her, but I do know that she died young…very young I think. As a young girl whenever my family spoke of her it was always in secretive low tones. I guess I should have been more interested in my heritage, especially considering I was named after her, but unfortunately I wasn’t.”
“Interested Darryl asked, “What happened to her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe her diary will tell us.” Kat turned to Darryl, “I think this is what I’ve been looking for.”
Kat was nervous as to what she might discover within the pages of the old diary. She rested the small book in the palm of her right hand and reached with trembling fingers to discover its contents, but as she opened the hard-cover of the diary a small grainy photograph slipped from between the brittle pages. Kat picked the photograph up with her free hand and raised it for a closer inspection. She trained her penlight upon the photograph and could not believe what she saw. She felt Darryl lean in even closer to get a clearer view of the photograph. She brought the photograph closer to her eyes not yet believing the small image, but when Darryl placed his hand atop hers and slowly raised the photograph to his own eyes, she knew he had seen the resemblance of the woman in the photograph and herself.
Finally breaking the silence Darryl whispered, “She could be your twin.”
Kat flipped the photograph over, it read: 1928 at the Lincoln Hotel New Years Eve. Flipping the photograph back over Kat noticed the only difference between herself and her great-aunt was that her aunt’s hair was black, whereas hers was auburn. Kat placed the photograph back into the book and nervously read the first entry:
January 1, 1929 I’ve decided to start keeping a diary because today I met the man of my dreams and I want to remember everything about him…I am so enthralled.
PS I almost forgot… his name is Vlad. How I so enjoy saying his name aloud.
Darryl asked, “Do you think she called herself Kat.”
Without answering Kat turned to the next entry:
Jan 2, 1929 I have been breathless all day praying that he would soon call upon me and this afternoon my prayers were answered. He is even better looking than I remembered if that is possible. He is so charming and so aristocratic, as if he were from another time and place. I cannot believe my good fortune. He touched my hand today and I thought I might faint. Everyone seemed to like him-that is except strangely our beloved pet hound Harry who usually never dislikes anyone. I’m already dreaming of when we might kiss…
Kat quickly glanced through several entries before stopping to read another.
January 21, 1929 my world as I know it is now over. The man that I had so quickly and deeply fallen in love with was not… is not what he seemed. I am going to bed even though I know sleep will be impossible this night. For tomorrow I must rectify the peril that I have so irresponsibly placed upon my family. I pray that I might yet find a way to disentangle myself from his wickedness, but I know without doubt that I will do whatever is necessary to protect my family from this evil man. How could I have been so foolish and so utterly stupid?
Kat did not want to see what her great-aunt had written in her next entry, because she knew instinctively what her great-aunt had done…had written in her final entry. She had done what Kat knew that she herself must do…should have already done, before allowing her own cowardice to endanger her loved ones. Her great-aunt had been strong and had placed a greater value on the well-being of her family than herself; whereas she herself has been weak and tentative…unable or unwilling to do what must be done.
In a whisper Darryl asked, “You going to turn the page or what?”
Darryl’s question brought Kat back to the here and now as she slowly turned the page to what she knew would be her aunt’s last and final entry, but when she turned the page it was empty of any writing.
Darryl groaned, “What now?”
Continuing to stare at the blank page Kat said, “Now we go home.”
Darryl added, “By the way, aren’t you afraid of waking your parents?”
“No not really. I used to come up here all the time and never once did I wake them.
“I guess they sleep like the dead huh?”
Meeting Darryl’s eyes Kat smiled and said, “I guess.”
* * *
Looking into the rearview mirror Darryl asked, “So, what’s the story? I mean if the woman in the photograph is your great-aunt who the hell is the guy in the picture with her. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the guy in the photograph is a dead-ringer for that goon Vlad. You need to start explaining things around here because to be honest I’m just a little confused. Actually, I don’t think you’re telling me everything. I mean did you fake your own…”Darryl stopped mid-sentence when he saw Kat sound asleep. Her head was nestled against a pillow that was wedged between the window and her face. Continuing to watch her sleep Darryl shook his head slightly before saying, “Tomorrow,
we are going to have a little chat. Just you and I because I think there are things you’re keeping from me.”

Driving cautiously Bernard glanced at the walkie-talkie lying in the seat next to him. He was driving a rented 4-door silver Ford Taurus and growing more nervous by the second. It was 11:00 A.M. and the feeling of dread that had been creeping into his thoughts for the past hour was growing stronger by the second. Looking about he said, “Man shit this ain’t no good. Fuck, I let the money get the better of me. Man you know you don’t do something like this without planning. Fuck-me…That rich-fuck was manipulating me the whole fucking time, letting me think I was the one calling the shots. Playing me like a damn fool the whole fucking time. Hell man this could be a set-up for all you know.”
Suddenly the walkie-talkie in the seat next to him came alive. Bernard looked at the device for several seconds before he once again heard the words repeated, “It’s time my friend.” Bernard’s first instinct was to just drive-away and let the beckoning voice slowly fade away, but once again his greed for money interrupted his thoughts, and of course his thoughts of the pretty young girl were strong in of themselves. So slowly he complied with both his greed of money and his desire for the young girl. He picked up the little blue device and pushed the talk button as he hesitantly said, “It’s me.”
“Yes, so it is. For a moment I thought that maybe you had changed your mind.”
“I still don’t like it.”
“Shhh my little friend everything has been taken care of. Just do as I tell you and everything will be fine…I promise. Now turn left onto the next street.”
“But how did you…”
Interrupting Bernard mid-sentence Simon Perry said, “Don’t worry as I said I’ve taken care of everything. The only thing you need to do is follow my instructions. Good. Now at the next intersection take a right.” Once again Bernard did as instructed. After several seconds Simon Perry gave his next instruction, “Take your next left and soon you’ll get your first glimpse of her.”
Bernard felt the strong rush of adrenaline that always accompanied him at these most special moments. He felt his doubts of only moments before begin to slowly evaporate away being replaced with desires that only one thing could satisfy.
“Now control yourself my friend and slowly drive by your pretty little thing. Is she not everything I said she would be?” Simon Perry paused briefly knowing that Bernard would be too engrossed to respond.
Bernard eyes trained onto Michele hardly noticing the little dark hair girl next to her. The two young girls were seated behind a small round table with the word lemonade displayed between the front two legs of the table. There was a tall picture of lemonade with several slices of lemon floating on the surface and several small white styrofoam cups scattered about the table. The little girls were giggling and waving at him as he slowly drove by.
“Slowly turn around and do what we agreed upon my friend. Then you get to enjoy both a handsome payday and your beautiful little prize.”
Bernard nervously did as instructed, but this time as he approached the little girls he frantically scanned the area for any dangers, but all he saw were large well-manicured lawns, tall oak trees lining the street, and pretty brick homes that sat well back from the street. The old growth trees provided the perfect cover for what was to take place.
Once again the walkie-talkie came to life, “Don’t be so nervous. As I’ve told you I’ve taken care of everything. Trust me my friend there is no one to witness your deed. At this very moment as we speak the girl’s mothers are enjoying their late morning coffee. Now slowly come to a stop directly in front of the girls and simply do what you do best.”
Bernard opened a plastic bag removing a white cloth that he had previously soaked in chlorophyll. He slowly opened the door and walked around the front of the car, all the while scanning his surroundings for anything that could interfere with what he was about to do. Smiling broadly at the little girls he said, “I sure am thirsty!” He immediately saw concern grow within the little girl’s faces; it was a look that he was all too familiar to him. He was not an attractive man by any stretch of the imagination and these little girls were once again painfully revealing that fact, but their reaction to his appearance was after all what motivated him. Anyway, in a little while this pretty little girl would help him feel better about himself. And after all wasn’t that why he was here.
Bernard continued to nervously scan the area even as he spoke, “I guess this is my lucky day girls. I was just thinking that I would sure like a cup of lemonade when I just happened to see you pretty little girls and your lemonade-stand.”
Both girls relaxed a little as Michelle smiled faintly before hesitantly saying, “ It’s only twenty-five cents a cup Sir.”
Smiling broadly while starring intently at Michelle Bernard pulled a twenty dollar bill from his pocket gently laying it onto the table before adding, “Sorry ladies, it’s all I have.”
Glancing momentarily at her friend before looking back-up at Bernard Michelle said, “Sorry Sir, we don’t have change for a twenty dollar bill.”
Bernard smiled patiently at Michelle and slowly picked-up the twenty dollar bill and turned to Michelle’s playmate and said while extending the crumpled bill to her, “Here Honey why don’t you take this to your Mother and get change.”
The little girl paused, looked at her friend with both fear and confusion. Sensing the little girl’s hesitation Bernard widened his smile and gently placed his hand on the frightened girl’s shoulders and ushered her along.
Bernard and Michelle watched as the little dark hair girl walked in the direction of her home. After a few feet she turned to glance back at her friend and the strange man before finally turning back around and running across the wide lawn.
Bernard knew it was time. Glancing about one more time he quickly stepped toward Michelle.
Michelle’s eyes opened wide with fright. She wanted to scream for her friend, but could not force air from her lungs. She could only watch as her best friend made her way toward the safety of her house. Suddenly she felt the moist cloth pressed against her lips and nose before quietly slipping into unconsciousness. The last thing Michelle had seen was the excited face of her captor.
With Michelle limp in his arms Bernard quickly walked back to the car all the while nervously glancing about for any observers. He opened the back door and gently placed Michelle onto the seat, pausing a few seconds to take in her pretty face, then gently covered her with a blanket brought along just for the occasion. Shutting the back door he hurriedly opened the driver-side door and was about to duck in when her saw an old gray hair woman looking out onto the street. She was in the house directly across the street from where the little girls had sat up their place of business. On closer inspection Bernard noticed that she was sitting in a chair and seemed to be looking right at him, but for whatever reason showing no emotion at all. He starred at the old lady for what seemed forever, before finally realizing that he had to leave now, as he watched the little dark hair girl disappear into a house.
Sweating profusely Bernard pulled into the street. With a violently shaking right hand he reached for the walkie-talkie, pushed the talk button and screamed, “I thought you said there was no one watching!” Then he starred angrily at the device waiting for it to respond to his question.
After a few seconds it did, “Calm down my friend, you have nothing to worry about…”
“Nothing to worry about my ass! Did you not see the old lady across the street?”
“My, my, my. Has anyone ever told you that you may be wound just a tad too tightly?”
“Fuck that! The old lady saw the whole fucking thing!
“My poor, poor, excitable friend. The old lady in whom you speak is totally and completely catatonic. She hasn’t communicated with another human being in over a year.
Taking a deep breath and relaxing a little Bernard said, “You could have warned me you know.”
Simon Perry responded, “I’ll warn you now my friend. Remove the key from your dash. Someone might see that you’re staying in cottage 310 at The Cliff Resorts, and we really don’t want anyone to know where you and your little princess are staying now do we.”


Blogger lupusgal said...

How could you leave me hanging??? Danny, you have to finish this. I'm so intrigued by Kat and her relationship with Vlad and the great aunt. How did great aunt Kat avoid the same fate as neice Kat...or did she? Hurry, hurry, write!

Love ya,

5:50 AM  

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